...all of this was for a 'virus' that according to their own government data had a 99.5% recovery rate in Nova Scotia
This project - to collect Nova Scotia government data and information via Freedom of Information requests is to honor those who intuitively knew that something was wrong but wanted the proof...we got the proof.
I want to be clear: Based on their own government data that I have collected over the past three years there was no indication of a serious "novel Corona virus" or a life-threatening COVID-19 illness in Nova Scotia. After doing 80+ Freedom of Information requests and reviewing hundreds and hundreds of pages of records, I have found no evidence that a pandemic ever happened in this province.
Yes, people tested positive for "COVID-19" - a corona virus. In Nova Scotia in two years there were over 1.5 million PCR test completed at a cycle threshold that ranged from 37-42. (there are only about 1 million people in the province) Approximately 20,000 people tested positive and 114 died in two years. Most of those were in long term care, at the end of life, with other very serious comorbidities. One hundred and fourteen deaths out of 20,000 positives is less than 1% IN TWO YEARS! We're we told that there was a 99% survival rate? 114 died of "COVID-19" out of over 20,000 total deaths in Nova Scotia. Again, COVID was less than 1%.
VIDEO (no sound): What Houston and Strang AREN'T Telling you about COVID-19 in Nova Scotia. (7 Minutes)
If you don't have a lot of time, this seven minute video captures a basic overview of some of the information that I uncovered. Link is here.
However, with the rollout of the vaccine, the vaccine mandates and the vaccine passport something very disturbing has started to happen in January 2022: a significant uptick in deaths in this province.
This is evident prior to the mandates being lifted on March 21, 2022 and after 85% of the population of Nova Scotians had been vaccinated - and it seems to be tied specifically to the rollout of the third shot also referred to as 'the booster.'
What is even more disturbing is that no one in government, the mainstream media, or the medical community is publicly talking about it. But I want to reassure you that thousands of us have done our own research and know.
The information on this website on COVID-19 has been compiled by applying to the Nova Scotia government for Freedom of Information (FOI) records. You can request records, pay $5 and recieve responses directly from the government. It is their data, their numbers.
Two Newsletters contain COVID-19 Nova Scotia government data for distribution or for quick reference.
click here to download Nova Scotia Health Newsletter #1 click here to download Nova Scotia Health Newsletter #2What is a Freedom of Information request?
Information Access and Privacy (IAP) Services does not answer questions or provide analyzed data. They provide government records. Therefore, we are required to piece the records together to uncover the truth. Why did I do this? Because I felt that the government, politicians and media were lying and I was concerned that these records would disappear one day.
Sections of the Act are often used to not provide a record or response. Also, the record can be redacted (blacked out) and therefore it does not provide information that we are seeking. They can use a tactic and charge significant and unaffordable fees which can deter access.
Records were received from the Department of Health and Wellness (DHW) where Dr. Robert Strang, the N.S. Chief Medical Officer of Health is a public servant; the Nova Scotia Health Authority, a registered charity that is in charge of operating our Nova Scotia hospitals and is funded by the DHW; the Premier's Office; the Department of Education; Nova Scotia Vital Statistics; Statistics Canada; and the Nova Scotia COVID-19 Dashboard website.
If you find a link that does not work, please let me know at shellyhipson@gmail.com
If you only have the time to read one Freedom of Information response I would suggestion FOI# 2023-00345-HEA received April 28, 2023. It is 92 pages of consisting of emails, correspondence and records on Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) sent to and received by Dr. Robert Strang and Dr. Shelley Deeks.
Dr. Shelley Deeks is not only Nova Scotia's Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health (under Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Robert Strang) she is also the Chair of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization for Canada.(NACI)
The response shows that Medical Officers of Health throughout the province were reporting serious medical conditions such as strokes, seizures, pulmonary embolisms, myocarditis, pericardis, Guillain-Barré syndrome and death to these two "top" doctors.
What action did they take to inform the general public or halt the vaccines based on these serious and deadly events? - Nothing. -
Date Range of response: 12/15/2020 to 02/26/2023.
click here to download application letter requesting records click here to download the responseThe next FOI that I would suggest if you are looking for AEFIs is 2022-02124-HEA:
Dr. Robert Strang was receiving reports of the following Adverse Events Following Immunization:(Date range: June 7, 2021 to September 7, 2021)
Pericarditis, Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), Pulmonary Embolism (PE),Vitreous detachment, Rash Toes, Cardiac Arrhythmia, Thrombotic Stroke, Ischemic Stroke, Hemorrhagic Stroke, HTN, Tachycardia, Seizure/ischemic stroke(vasculitis), STEMI heart attack blocked coronary artery, bilat, Colitis, PEG Allergy, Polyarthritis, Allergic - possible anaphylaxis, Other Possible Allergic, Seizure, erythema multiforme rash, Petechial rash/hives, Hyperthyroidism, Thrombus, soft tissue swelling, Costochondritis, chest pain, chest pain/cardiac, Flare Inflammatory oligoarthritis, Myocarditis, Bell's Palsy, Bell's Palsy vs TG Neuralgia, Bilateral leg pain/paresthesia, Optic neuritis, paresthesia face, Leg cramps, Chest pain/fever, Vertigo, Palpitations, Abdominal Pain, Cerebrovascular accident (CVA), SIC, Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), Paresthesia arm/face, \persistent headache,Thrombocytopenia, Fatigue/myalgias, Premature ventricular contractions(PVCs).
click here to download application letter requesting records click here to download the response1. OVERVIEW TO PROVIDE CONTEXT OF NOVA SCOTIA GOVERNMENT COVID-19 DATA
The following is my opinion from reading hundreds of pages of documents that I have received from Nova Scotia government departments and the Nova Scotia Health Authority.
First, FOIPOP 2021-01142-HEA tells us in the Data Notes the definition of a Deceased COVID-19 case. Let's read it carefully
- A probable or confirmed COVID-19 case whose death resulted from a clinically compatible illness, unless there is a clear alternative cause of death identified (e.g., trauma, poisoning, drug overdose).
- A Medical Officer of Health, relevant public health authority, or a coroner may use their discretion when determining if a death was due to COVID-19, and their judgement will supersede the above-mentioned criteria.
- A death due to COVID-19 may be attributed when COVID-19 is the cause of death or is a contributing factor.
This definition was created by the World Health Organization and distributed to Chief Medical Officers across Canada by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Process it for a moment - read it a couple of times.
There was a world wide pandemic based on this gibberish: A COVID-19 deceased case can be probable, not confirmed - and can be a clinically compatible illness. It does not have to be the cause of death ...only has to be a contributing factor and those working in health care can use their discretion.
Have you ever heard of a definition so loosey goosey? A person would have to die of a drug overdose or poisoning for it NOT to be COVID-19 Deceased Case.
And voila - that is how a so called pandemic is born out of Wuhan China.
But let's keep going shall we?
In 2019, overall deaths from Diseases of the Respiratory System totaled 895 deaths and in 2020, there were 827; a decrease of 68 respiratory deaths during a pandemic. (FOI 2022-00455-SNSIS)
The population of Nova Scotia is around 1,007,049. There were 238,474 PCR tests done in 2020 and 1,347,912 PCR tests done in 2021 totalling 1,586,386 tests in two years and 1,564,643 or 98.6% of the test results were NEGATIVE. --- Sounds like a scary pandemic to me. --- FOIPOP 2022-00445-HEA Table I.
In 2020, there were 1,493 positives and in 2021 there were 18,953 positives totalling 20,446 positives in two years and 65 people died in 2020 and deaths decreased to 49 in 2021 which is 114 people.
Basic math tells us that 114 deaths out of 20,446 positives works out to be 0.55% of the positive cases died in two years. Let's turn that around shall we? 20,332 of the 20,446 (99.5%) of the positive tests lived. FOIPOP 2022-00445-HEA Table I and Table 3.
Question: Does this sound like a deadly virus that escaped from lab in China with a recovery of 99.5%? Let's dig deeper.
LIFE EXPECTANCY, MEDIAN AGE & COMORBIDITIES (Other illnesses or conditions people have at time of death)
The life expectancy in Nova Scotia is 80 and those that are dying of COVID - The median age is 83 years old.
Yes, those dying of COVID are living longer than the life expectancy of Nova Scotians. (NS COVID-19 Dashboard)
Let's learn details on the comorbidities that people had when we were told that they died of COVID-19. (FOI 2021-01142-HEA)
For all of 2020 up to June 17, 2021, politicians and Strang with the use of the media bombarded us daily with COVID-19 deaths and hospitalizations and the total number of COVID-19 deaths was 90. Remember that a COVID death can be probable and from a clinically compatible illness and around 10,000 people die from all causes in Nova Scotia each year.)
Of those 90:
Fifty-four(54) had cardiac disorders (60%)
Forty-nine (49) had neurological conditions (54%)
Nineteen (19) had diabetes (21%)
Seventeen(17) had pulmonary disorders (18.9%)
Ten (10) had chronic renal disease (11.1%)
Six (6) had cancer (6.7%)
Five (5) had immunocompromised conditions (5.6%)
Eighty-seven percent of COVID-19 deaths were 65 years of age or older.
13.3% of COVID-19 deaths were under the age of 65 years old.
We also learn that it was not required to track comorbidities. How interesting. The largest pandemic in the world and other diseases these people had did not need to be recorded.
We know that 53 of the 65 who died in 2020 were living in Northwood - a Long Term Care facility in Halifax. In FOI (_______) we learn that even though people were at the end of life in Northwood, if they tested positive, they were instructed to mark them down as COVID-19 deaths.
My thoughts are that these residents were at the end of life and had serious comorbidities. If no autopsies were done then they most likely died from the other serious illnesses and diseases that developed through their life time and not COVID-19. People at the end of life who die naturally, typically fill up with fluid making it difficult to breathe. click here to download Northwood emailRELATIVE RISK BETWEEN THE UNVACCINATED (NO SHOTS) AND THE VACCINATED.
The monthly online Epidemiologic Summaries put out by the Department of Health and Wellness states:
Unvaccinated Nova Scotians were hospitalized and died at almost three times the rate as those with three or more doses (hospitalized = 2.7; died=2.5)
At first glance I thought, "This can't be" - how can the unvaccinated hospitalizations and deaths be higher?
However, when I read it a few more times, I questioned if they were comparing the unvaccinated with those who got the boosters only and not including those with the first two doses.
Therefore, I asked for the step by step relative risk calulation.
In FOIPOP 2022-01337-HEA, the Department of Health and Wellness confirms in their response that the relative risk is not between the unvaccinated and the vaccinated but between those who are unvaccinated (0 shots) and those with three doses and did not include those with the first two shots.
Intentionally publizing misleading data such as this negatively targetted the unvaccinated. This created much anger, divide, and hate against those, who for whatever reason, did not want their political medical treatment. This scewed data scared people into getting additional COVID-19 vaccinations thinking that they needed added protection - when in fact this so called virus had close to a 100% recovery rate. Thousands of people were shunned from society and lost their jobs.
Reading it at first glance, people would have concluded that those who did not get the shots were being hospitalized and dying from COVID-19 at a higher rate and therefore were spreading the disease and this was not the case.
Click here for NS Government Epidemiologic and Adverse Events from the Vaccine.
FOIPOPs on Relative Risk Calculations are here:
Click here to download 2022-01666-HEA Response letter Click here to download 2022-01349-HEA response comparing the vaccinated with those with three dosesRELATIVE RISK BETWEEN THE UNVACCINATED AND THE VACCINATED - NO RECORDS RESPONSIVE TO YOUR REQUEST
On October 11, 2022 I followed up and requested the following records on Relative Risk:
I would like to receive all records on COVID-19 relative risk calculations held by the Department that compares the outcomes in the following two different groups of people:
1. The unvaccinated with no doses of the COVID-19 vaccine (Zero) with 2. Those who have had two doses and three doses and more doses of the COVID-19 vaccines - those who have been vaccinated. 3. All records on relative risk calculated for different age groups comparing the unvaccinated (0 doses) with those who are vaccinated; those who have received two doses, two doses and the booster, and fourth dose) If a copy of the calculations are available, please include those as well. (Date Range for Record Search: From 3/19/2022 To 10/7/2022)
Their response?
After a file search, we have located no records responsive to your application. Therefore, it is my understanding, pursuant to clause 7(2)(b) of the Act, that the Department of Health and Wellness does not have custody or control of records which would respond to your application.
A response was provided under FOIPOP 2022-01337-HEA that includes relative risk calculation information.
The Department does not hold further records that show the relative risk calculations as indicated in the scope of your request. The calculations are completed with computer software based on the data in the Panorama Information System and tables are generated to report in the monthly epidemiological summaries on our website: (Coronavirus (COVID-19): alerts, news and data - Government of Nova Scotia, Canada).
Click here to download Relative Risk response for 2022-01337-HEAThe Department of Health and Wellness with a budget of over $4 billion did not have one single person in their department that worked out the calculation comparing the unvaccinated with the vaccinated during a pandemic.
They made it mandatory for people to show a vaccine passport to show that they were vaccinated but didn't even bother to calculate the relative risk between these two groups of people to see if there was a difference.
What about COVID-19 deaths after Dr. Robert Strang and politicians pushed an 85% vaccination rate on people?
According to their data:
In 2020, there were 65 deaths with or from COVID-19.
In 2021, there were 49 deaths with or from COVID-19.
In 2022, there were 738 deaths with or from COVID-19 in hospital. (FOI NSHA-2024-046)
click here to download imageWhen did we start to see an increase in COVID-19 deaths?
January 2022.
What happened in December 2021 and January 2022?
They ramped up the booster.
In October 2021, there were 3,150 booster shots given.
In November 2021, there were 26,141 booster shots given.
In December 2021 there were 108,259 booster shots given.
In January 2022 there were 302,242 booster shots given.
click here to download imageEXCESS DEATHS AND THE BOOSTER
In 2020, in Nova Scotia in the middle of this 'pandemic' there were negative -105 (Less) excess deaths.
Statistics Canada expected/estimated that there would be 10,048 and there were 9,943 in 2020.
In 2021, Stats Can expected there would be 10,072 deaths and there were 10,187 deaths. Therefore, there were 115 excess deaths.
In 2022, there were 1,062 Excess Deaths in Nova Scotia.
Statistics Canada Excess Deaths Information can be found here:
Stats Can Information on Excess Deaths by Province
We also learn from Stats Can that in "The third week of January 2022 was the deadliest week in Canada since the pandemic began, with 27% more deaths than what would have been expected. Nationally, there were 8,286 more deaths than expected from the beginning of January 2022 to the end of February 2022, or 16.8% more deaths than expected over that period. During this period of excess mortality, the highest number of deaths and the highest weekly rate of excess mortality of the pandemic were recorded in the third week of January 2022, with 26.8% more deaths than expected. Put differently, over one in five deaths durring this week would not have been expected."
My hypothesis based on looking at the timing of the rollout numbers.
We need to investigate the deaths of those who died after getting the booster. Based on the information that I have gathered there is a relationship between excess deaths and specifically the third shot.
There were 3,150 boosters injected into Nova Scotians arms in October 2021.
There were 26,141 boosters administered in November 2021.
There were 108,259 boosters injected in December 2021.
There were 302,242 boosters injected in January 2022.
And there were 64,540 boosters injected into Nova Scotians in February 2022.
It was in January 2022 that we see a rise in deaths. It wasn't until March 21, 2022 that some of the government restrictions were removed. By then, they told us that 85% of the population in Nova Scotia had two doses and were considered 'vaccinated' or 'immunized.'
Excess Deaths Spreadsheet
I took the Excess Death numbers from Stats Can and put them in an excel spreadsheet to add the numbers. A copy of that is here: (it needs to be updated)
click here to download spreadsheetASYMPTOMATIC TESTING AND DEATHS
What about asymptomatic deaths and the total number of people who died in Nova Scotia?
As well, we learn from Table 2 FOIPOP 2021-01575 that from March 22, 2020 to August 19, 2021 that of the 5,884 total COVID-19 cases, that 4,411 of the people had symptoms and 1,473 did not thus 25% were asymptomatic. In Table 3 Number of COVID-19 Deaths from March 22, 2020 to August 19, 2021 it is noted that no one who was asymptomatic died from COVID.
In FOI NSHA 2021-185 I ask for, "Any record, proof, document, report that an asymptomatic positive COVID-19 case is contagious and spread to others in Nova Scotia.
Guess what...after a thorough search...there was no record.
Over-all total deaths:
To help put all these numbers into perspective we learn from FOIPOP 2022-00455-SNSIS that in 2020, a total of 9,964 died from all causes in Nova Scotia and 65 of them were COVID or 0.65%; less than 1%.
In 2021, a total of 10,072 died from all causes and 49 were COVID or 0.48%. Again, less than 1%.
In two years, 20,036 people died in Nova Scotia from all causes and 114 were COVID or 0.56%. Less than 1% of the deaths in two years – during a ‘pandemic’ were COVID.
That means that 19,922 people who died in Nova Scotia in 2020 and 2021 or 99.43% died from other causes. NOT COVID-19.
In a FOIPOP “Dump” from Nova Scotia Health we learn in FOIPOP NSHA-2020-69 that thirty-three people died in 2020 when life-saving surgeries were cancelled throughout Nova Scotia.
What were the COVID-19 ICU Hospitalizations from January 2020 to July 31, 2021 (19 months)? Did any hospitals in Nova Scotia with ICU beds have no COVID-19 ICU hospitalizations?
According to FOIPOP 82 Data from the Nova Scotia Health Authority there are 10 hospitals that have ICU beds; 1.) Aberdeen Hospital 2.) Cape Breton Health Care Complex 3.)Colchester Regional 4.) Cumberland Regional 5.) Darmouth General 6.) QEII/VG and Halifax Infirmary 7.) South Shore Regional 8.) St. Martha's Regional 9.) Valley Regional and 10.) Yarmouth Regional.
Between January 1, 2020 to July 31, 2021 – in a year and a half during this pandemic - there were ZERO (0) COVID-19 ICU hospitalizations at five out of the 10 ICU hospitals;
1.) Aberdeen Hospital had ZERO (0) COVID-19 ICU hospitalizations out of a total of 857 ICUs.
2.) Cumberland Regional had ZERO (0) COVID out of 443 ICUs.
3.) South Shore Regional had ZERO (0) COVID out of 512 ICUs.
4.) St. Martha’s Regional had ZERO (0) COVID out of 692 ICUs.
5.) Yarmouth Regional had ZERO (0) COVID out of 575 ICUs.
The following Nova Scotia ICU Hospitals saw 2% or less of COVID-19
6.) Cape Breton Health Care Complex had 10 COVID-19 ICUs out of 1,494 or COVID was 0.67% of the total.
7.) Colchester had 9 out of 1,103 ICUs or 0.82%.
8.) Dartmouth General had 5 out of 754 ICUs or 0.66%.
9.) QEII, the VG and Halifax Infirmary together had 74 ICUs out of 4,608 ICUs or 1.6%.
10.) Valley Regional had 12 out of 589 ICUs or 2.03%.
I just want to add that in 2020, Aberdeen Hospital reduced their number of ICU beds from 10 to 6 in April of 2020. In February of 2021, Cape Breton Health Care went from 23 ICU beds to 22. Cumberland went from 7 to 5 in April 2021. The QEII/VG & HI increased from 39 to 44 in April 2020 and then back down to 43 in April 2021. Colchester stayed at 8, Darmouth stayed at 8, South Shore stayed at 5, St. Martha's stayed at 6, Valley Regional stayed at 7, and Yarmouth Regional stayed at 7.
There were 110 COVID-19 ICU Hospitalizations out of a total of 11,627 ICU Hospitalizations in 2020 and up to July 31, 2021. That's 0.95% of the total that were COVID-19 ICU Hospitalizations. Turn that around...99.05% were ICU hospitalizations due to OTHER CAUSES. This information is from FOIPOP NSHA-2021-109 and "Copy of FOIPOP 109 Data Updated."
In FOIPOP “Copy of FOIPOP 82 Data Updated” from Nova Scotia Health, I went back to 2015 to compare total ICU hospitalizations by hospital in Nova Scotia.The following are total ICU hospitalizations by year.
In 2015 there were a total of 7,906 ICU hospitalizations.
In 2016 there were a total of 8,300 ICU hospitalizations.
In 2017, there were a total of 8,024 ICU hospitalizations.
In 2018, there were a total of 8,005 ICU hospitalizations.
In 2019, there were a total of 7,708 ICU hospitalizations.
In 2020, there were a total of 7,306 ICU hospitalizations.
(Yes, during a ‘pandemic’ there were the least ICU hospitalizations going back to 2015.)
FYI In 2021, up to September there were 5,855 ICU hospitalizations.
In April of 2021 this same FOIPOP shows us that there was a reduction in ICU beds from 121 beds to 117. (4 less beds for the months of May (31 days), June (30 days), July (31 days), August (31 days), September (30 days), October (31 days), November (30 days) and December (31 days) totals a reduction of 245 days x 4 bed reduction = 980 nights...during a so called pandemic.
Did any hospitals in Nova Scotia have no COVID-19 general admissions (not ICU)?
The following hospitals had ZERO (0) COVID-19 hospitalizations up to October 2021. (This was the date I submitted the FOIPOP):
Annapolis Community Health Centre had ZERO (0) COVID-19 general hospitalizations.
Buchanan Memorial Community Health had ZERO (0) COVID-19 general hospitalizations.
Digby General had ZERO (0) COVID-19 general hospitalizations.
Eastern Memorial Hospital had ZERO (0) COVID-19 general hospitalizations.
Eastern Shore Memorial Hospital had ZERO (0) COVID-19 general hospitalizations.
Fisherman’s Memorial Hospital had ZERO (0) COVID-19 general hospitalizations.
Queens General Hospital had ZERO (0) COVID-19 general hospitalizations.
Roseway Hospital had ZERO (0) COVID-19 general hospitalizations.
Sacred Heart Community Centre had ZERO (0) COVID-19 general hospitalizations.
St. Mary’s Memorial had ZERO (0) COVID-19 general hospitalizations.
Strait Richmond Hospital had ZERO (0) COVID-19 general hospitalizations.
Twin Oaks Memorial Hospital had ZERO (0) COVID-19 general hospitalizations.
Victoria County Memorial Hospital had ZERO (0) COVID-19 general hospitalizations.
The following hospitals had LESS THAN FIVE (>5) COVID-19 general hospitalizations:
Inverness Consolidated Memorial had LESS THAN FIVE (>5) COVID-19 general hospitalizations.
Musquodoboit Valley Memorial had LESS THAN FIVE (>5) general hospitalizations.
Northside General Hospital had LESS THAN FIVE (>5) COVID-19 general hospitalizations.
To help once again put the numbers in perspective, in May 2021 at the QEII, VG, and the Halifax Infirmary, they had a total of 200 COVID-19 hospitalizations which sounded scary to everyone. It totalled 10% of their hospitalizations for that month Ninety percent were for other illnesses or conditions.
The question is - were they in hospital FOR COVID? or where they in for other reasons and tested positive with a PCR test that is unreliable at detecting illness.
Also, we also learn in FOI NS-2022-004 that there were 3,198 total Staffed Inpatient Beds as of April 2020 and 3,239 Staffed Inpatient Beds as of April 1, 2021.
And in FOIPOP NSHA 2021-181 I requested data on all the reasons why people were admitted into hospital by the most responsible diagnosis. The response had 82 pages with 72 different reasons on each page totalling 5,904 different reasons why people were admitted. “COVID-19 Virus Identified” was only one reason and “COVID-19 causing adverse effects in therapeutic use” was another. This was from December 14, 2020 to September 30, 2021.
General admissions/hospitalizations (not ICU) for COVID-19 are below. The totals are not firm because they say that I might be able to determine personal medical information if they give me the exact number so they use >5 (less than five) if there are 1,2,3 or 4 people. Therefore, I left the <5 out and just added the numbers five and above.
The number of COVID-19 hospitalizations for 2020 was 239 people.(NO VACCINE.)
The number of COVID-19 hospitalizations for 2021 was 721 people.(ROLLOUT WAS HAPPENING.)
The number of COVID-19 hospitalizations for 2022 was 6,187 people. (This is only up to the end of October 2022.)
This Nova Scotia government website was changed as of the week of February 7, 2023:
Here are a few examples that were captured prior to those changes being made:
As of December 8, 2021:
Vaccination status of deaths:
19% have 0-1 dose
28% have had 2 doses
53% have had 3 doses
Eighty-one percent (81%) of the deaths were fully vaccinated.
As of October 18, 2022:
Hospitalizations by vaccine status:
6% have had zero doses
6% have had one dose
20% have had two doses
27% have had three doses
41% have had four doses
They tell us that a total of 49 people are in hospital with COVID. A reminder: There is a total of 3,239 staffed Inpatient Beds in Nova Scotia. (FOI NSHA-2022-005) Forty-nine hospitalizations out of 3,239 beds is 1.5 %. Thus, 98.5% are NOT COVID-19 hospitalizations.
94% have had at least one dose and 88% are fully vaccinated.
As of February 7, 2023:
Hospitalization by vaccine status:
4% had 0 doses
4% had 1 dose
21% had 2 doses
36% had 3 doses
36% had 4 doses
93% of the hospitalizations were fully vaccinated.
As of February 7, 2023:
Deaths by vaccine status:
16% had 0 or 1 dose
23% had 2 doses
61% had 3 doses
Those details are now not available online.
From the "Nova Scotia COVID-19 Dashboard" website we can download "Adverse Events Following Immunization" (AEFI)data. This is supposed to be updated monthly, however the last one posted was on September 30, 2022. It is noted in the September 30, 2022 document that BLOOD CLOTTING DISORDERS has been added to "Figure 1: Number of the ten most frequently reported adverse events following immunization for COVID-19 from December 16, 2020 to September 30, 2022. Also mentioned is that they are 'cleaning' the data.
Were "Blood Clotting Disorders" like heart attack, stoke, clots in your arms, legs, and organs mentioned in the consent form?
click here to download image of AEFI for N.S.And to inject children as young as six months old.
The truth was censored. And it's still being censored costing people their health and their lives. I sent a lot of my freedom of information responses to every MLA in the province and then branched out to every MLA and Premier in the Atlantic Provinces about excess deaths. Not one response.
All Freedom of Information (FOI) responses with links to download are listed under 12 main topics.
The FOIs listed below with "XXXX" means that I still have to add the links so people can download the documents.
1. Masks and Lockdowns
2. COVID-19 PCR Testing
3. Hospitalizations
4. Information on Deaths
I. "COVID-19" deaths
II. Overall Cause of Deaths in Nova Scotia
III. Comorbidities
IV. Natural Immunity
V. Vaccine injuries and Deaths
VII. Excess Deaths
5. Vaccination Information
6. Vaccination Passport/Proof of Vaccination
7. Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)
8. Freedom of Information Responses involving money spent for COVID-19
9. Involving the Premier’s Office
10. State of Emergency
11. NSHA Freedom of Information Dumps (I requested all previous FOIPOPs done on COVID-19 to the NSHA)
12. Other
Explanation of assigned Freedom of Information numbers: FOI = Freedom of Information; HEA = Department of Health and Wellness; PRE= Premier’s Office; EDU= Department of Education; SNSIS = Service Nova Scotia and Internal Services
1. Masks and Lockdowns
a) 2021-01109-EDU: Risk Benefit of Masks to Department of Education click here to download 2021-01109-EDU
2021-01109-EDU: On June 3, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development: Final briefing notes to the Deputy Minister pertaining to any risk-benefit analysis on decision-making around masking children in schools. (Date range for record search: From November 1, 2020 to June 3, 2021. III. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back to my request: FOIPOP 2021-01109-EDU. Notes from the response letter: After a file search, we have located no records responsive to your application. Therefore, it is my understanding, pursuant to clause 7(2)(b) of the Act, that the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development does not have custody or control of (a) record(s) which would respond to your application. I am unaware of a department or agency which would hold such (a) record(s). click here to download 2021-01109-EDU
b) 2021-01108-HEA: Scientific Data on Lockdowns and Masks click here to download 2021-01108-HEA
2021-01108-HEA: On June 15, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: All scientific data, correspondence and studies that justify/support the government's actions 1) to lockdown and restrict the freedom of movement of Nova Scotians and 2) the wearing of face masks reduce the spread of COVID-19 held by staff within any program, branch or office in the Department that has been working on the development and implementation of COVID-19 government restrictions as outlined above. Date range for record search: March 1, 2020 to June 3, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: FOIPOP 2021-01108-HEA. 125 pages provided. click here to download 2021-01108-HEA
c)2021-01201-HEA: Risk Benefit of Masks to Department of Health and Wellness click here to download 2021-01201-HEA
2021-01201-HEA: On June 22, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: All scientific data, correspondence, studies, final briefing notes, risk-benefit analysis that justify and or support the government’s actions and decision-making that masking children in schools is necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19 that are held by Dr. Strang Chief Medical Officer of Health. Date range for record search: February 29, 2020 to June 21, 2021. III. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: FOIPOP 2021-01201-HEA. 12 pages provided. Used 14 (1) 20 (1) and 4 (2) under the Act to remove or refuse access. “Nova Scotia’s COVID response actions have been based on national and international guidance from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and the World Health Organization. (WHO)” click here to download 2021-01201-HEA
d)2021-00086-EDU: Three Ply Masking of our Children Click here to download 2021-00086-EDU.
2021-00086-EDU: On March 16, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development: 1. All correspondence Department of Education and Early Childhood Development has between Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and Department of Health and Wellness and correspondence between the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and the Regional Centres for Education pertaining to masking children with three ply masks. Date range for record search: November 1, 2021 - January 19, 2022. 2. Please include the monies spent by Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to purchase the three ply masks. Include the name of the company they were purchased from and if there was a contract to do so, a copy of the contract. Date range for record search: From July 31, 2020 to January 18, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: FOIPOP 2021-00086-EDU. Click here to download 2021-00086-EDU.
2. COVID-19 PCR Testing
a)2021-01575-HEA: Definition of a Case, how deaths were determined, Testing #s, Asymtomatic click here to download 2021-01575-HEA
2021-01575-HEA: On August 19, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Amended September 8, 2021: Records that show, 1. Definition of a COVID-19 case that is used in Nova Scotia. 2. Please provide any and all reports from the start of the pandemic on how COVID-19 deaths were determined. 3. Report on COVID-19 deaths that were probable or from clinically compatible illness 4. Information/data that has been gathered as a result of COVID-19 testing: a. Total number of COVID-19 tests done monthly for 2020 and so far in 2021, Please provide: Number that were positive: For the positive cases, please include how many were: Confirmed, Probable, Symptomatic, Asymptomatic Number that were negative: Total number of COVID-19 deaths: Determined by PCR test, Determined by a public health authority, a coroner using their discretion, autopsy How many of the deaths were tested and symptomatic, asymptomatic, confirmed. Any record that identifies data that shows that the only illness they had was COVID-19 and it was the true cause of death (they did not die because they were at the end of life and they did not have any other serious illness – for example, they were young, healthy, and died of COVID-19 only) (Date range for record search: From March 22, 2020 to August 19, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: FOIPOP 2021-01575-HEA. click here to download 2021-01575-HEA
b)2021-01590-HEA: Cases, Deaths, Adverse Events Following Immunization by vaccine status click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01590-HEA.
2021-01590-HEA: On August 23, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Amended August 25, 2021: A breakdown of the following by week: 1. COVID-19 Cases a.) unvaccinated b.) partially vaccinated c.) fully vaccinated. 2. COVID-19 Deaths a.) unvaccinated b.) partially vaccinated c.) fully vaccinated 3. COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects Total number of Vaccines administered - partial and full a.) Number of Adverse Effects b.) Number of Mild COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects and what they were. For example sore arm, tired, headache etc d.) Number of Serious COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects (for example: no longer able to work, or function as they once did, requiring care) 4. Breakdown of Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Nova Scotia including numbers of individuals who have experienced the specific side effect. Date range for record search: December 14, 2020 to August 22, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-01590-HEA. click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01590-HEA.
c) NSHA 2021-185: Proof asymptomatic is contagious click here to download NSHA 2021-185.
NSHA 2021-185: On November 22, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: Any record, proof, document, report that an asymptomatic positive COVID-19 case is contagious and spread to others in Nova Scotia. Date range for record search: N/A. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: FOIPOP NSHA 2021-185. click here to download NSHA 2021-185.
d) NSHA 2021-186: PCR Test Inserts and contract click here to download NSHA-2021-186.
NSHA 2021-186: On November 22, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: 1. Copies of the PCR and Rapid test inserts that come with the tests 2. If testing is provided to the NSHA and DHW via a contract, a copy of the contract/sub-contract including cost of test purchases. 3. Are the tests being used for any other purpose besides the detection of COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2. Date range for record search: N/A. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: FOIPOP NSHA 2021-186. click here to download NSHA-2021-186.
e) 2022-00112-HEA: Testing, Positives, Deaths of teachers/staff click here to download 2022-00112-HEA
2022-00112-HEA: On January 21, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: 1. Total number of teachers who have tested Positive for COVID-19 broken down into symptomatic, asymptomatic, and how they determined they were positive: Rapid Test/PCR Test/Combination of Rapid & PCR 2. Total number of students who have tested Positive for COVID-19 Broken down into symptomatic, asymptomatic, and how they determined they were positive: Rapid Test/PCR Test/Combination of Rapid & PCR 3. Total number of school staff who have tested Positive for COVID-19 broken down into symptomatic, asymptomatic, and how they determined they were positive: Rapid Test/PCR Test/Combination of Rapid & PCR 4. Please provide the recovery rate as well as a) The total number of COVID-19 infections/cases that resulted in hospitalizations (general and ICU) that have been traced to someone attending a school 5. COVID-19 deaths that have been traced back to transmissions at or from a school. Range for records broken down into school years. Spring 2020 - start of the pandemic. September 2020 - End of school year in June of 2021. September 2021 - to January 21, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: FOIPOP 2022-00112-HEA. click here to download 2022-00112-HEA
f) NSHA 2022-043: Purchase orders for testing and XXXX click here to download NSHA 2022-043 redacted response.
NSHA 2022-043: On February 10, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: Purchase orders for the products we need to perform a COVID PCR test. Date range for record search: N/A. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: FOIPOP NSHA 2022-043. click here to download NSHA 2022-043 response letter. and click here to download NSHA 2022-043 redacted response.
g) NSHA 2022-044: Contracts for use of labs to perform testing click here to download NSHA 2022-044.
NSHA 2022-044: On February 10, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: Contracts for our lab to perform COVID testing on a fee for service basis. Date range for record search: N/A. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: FOIPOP NSHA 2022-044. click here to download NSHA 2022-044.
h) 2022-00445-HEA: Testing by month, positives, negatives, asymptomatic, deathsclick here to download 2022-00445-HEA
2022-00445-HEA: On March 14, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: 1. Number of COVID-19 tests by month and result (positive cases/negative/total) for year 2020, year 2021 and so far for 2022) 2. Number of COVID-19 Cases by month that were Asymptomatic and Symptomatic and total for each year 2020 and year 2021 3. Number of COVID-19 deaths per month in Nova Scotia for year 2020 and year 2021 and so far in 2022. Date range for record search: December 31, 2019 to March 11, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: FOIPOP 2022-00445-HEA. click here to download 2022-00445-HEA
i) 2022-00626-HEA: cases, deaths, AEFI by vaccine status click here to download 2022-00626-HEA
2022-00626-HEA: On April 21, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Amended May 2, 2022: A breakdown of the following by month: 1. COVID-19 Cases broken down by month a) unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine b) unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine c) partially vaccinated d) fully vaccinated (Date range January 2022- April 2022) A breakdown of the following by month: 2. Vaccination Status of COVID-19 Deaths a) unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine b) unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine c) partially vaccinated d) fully vaccinated (Date range August 2021- April 2022) 3. All COVID-19 hospital visits, hospitalizations and ICU Hospitalizations broken down by month: a) unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine b) unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine c) partially vaccinated d) fully vaccinated (Date range August 2021- April 2022) 5. A continuation of Table 2, 3 and 4: a). Number of COVID-19 doses administered, by dose number and month (Date range January 2022- April 2022) b). Number of Adverse Events Following COVID-19 Immunization (Non-Serious, Serious and Total), by month (Date range August 2021- April 2022) c). Number of Adverse Events Following COVID-19 Immunization, by reaction type and month (Date range August 2021- April 2022) 6. Cumulative Data on the number of people who have experienced Serious Adverse Events who have a) died b) have a permanent disability c) incapacity d) required hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization (Total cumulative value as of April 19, 2022) (Date range for record search: August 1, 2021/January 1, 2022 to April 30, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: FOIPOP 2022-00626-HEA. click here to download 2022-00626-HEA
3. Hospitalizations
a)2021-01572-HEA: ICU Hospitalizations - FOI was transferred to NSHA
2021-01572-HEA: On August 19, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: How many ICU hospitalizations were there each month for COVID-19 in 2020 and for each month in 2021 up to and including July. (Date range for record search: From December 31, 2019 to July 30, 2021 and it was transferred to the Nova Scotia Health Authority. FOI POP: 2021-01572-HEA. Response from the NSHA is "Copy of FOIPOP 109 Data 3.d"
b) NSHA 2021-082: ICUs from 2015 to 2021 click here to download NSHA-2021-082
Copy of FOIPOP 82 Data: On June 18, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: 1) Please provide the total numbers of all ICU admissions (from all causes) for all of Nova Scotia’s Hospitals for the last 5 years (2015-2020 yearly ICU admissions) from January 1, 2015 to December 2020. 2) Please provide the total numbers of ICU beds available in each of Nova Scotia’s Hospitals from January 1, 2015 to December 2020. 3) Please provide a breakdown of ICU beds used from January 1, 2015 to December 2020. Date range for record search: Years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, to May 2021 by month. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: Copy of FOIPOP 82 Data click here to download NSHA-2021-082
c) NSHA 2021-082: Updated General Information on ICU beds Available click here to download NSHA-2021-082 Updated
Copy of FOIPOP 82 Data Updated: On ________ I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: Total numbers of all ICU admissions from all causes, total numbers of ICU beds available, and beds used Application date: (can’t find letter that requested updated info) Date range: Years 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, to September 2021 FOI ID: Copy of FOIPOP 82 Data Updated click here to download NSHA-2021-082 Updated
d)Copy of FOIPOP 109 Data: COVID ICU Hospitalizations up to July 2021 click here to download NSHA-2021-109
NSHA-2021-109: On August 23, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: How many ICU hospitalizations were there each month for COVID-19 in 2020 and for each month in 2021 up to and including July? Date range for record Search: December 31, 2019 to July 31, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: FOIPOP Copy of FOIPOP 109 Data. click here to download NSHA-2021-109
e) NSHA 2021-109 Updated: Monthly COVID-19 hospitalizations up to September 2021 click here to download NSHA 2021-109 Updated.
NSHA 2021-109 Updated: On August 23, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: How many ICU hospitalizations were there each month for COVID-19 in 2020 and for each month in 2021 up to and including September? Date range for record Search: December 31, 2019 to September 30, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: FOIPOP Copy of FOIPOP 109 Data Updated. click here to download NSHA 2021-109 Updated.
f) NSHA 2021-144: Hospitalization Totals COVID-19 ICU Hospitalizations Jan. 1,2020 - Sept. 30,2021 click here to download 2021-144 Hospital Totals
NSHA 2021-144: On October 22, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: Total COVID-19 ICU Hospitalizations between January 1, 2020 and September 30, 2021. Date range for record Search: Year 2020 up to September 30, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: NSHA 2021-144. click here to download 2021-144 Hospital Totals
g) NSHA 2021-173: Percentage of COVID-19 hospitalizations compared to general hospitalizationsclick here to download NSHA 2021-173.
NSHA 2021-173: On November 17, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: % of COVID hospitalizations of all hospitalizations; % COVID ICU hospitalizations of ICU hospitalizations; # COVID ICU hospitalizations. Date range for record Search: Year 2020 up to October 31, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: NSHA 2021-173. click here to download NSHA 2021-173.
h) NSHA 2021-181: Overall data on hospital admissionsclick here to download NSHA 181 General and ICU 2020-2021.
NSHA 2021-181: On November 22, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: 1. All reports/data on reasons why people were admitted into hospital for 2019, 2020, and 2021 by month, by hospital. a.) general hospitalizations/admissions and b.) ICU admissions (If there is a document that already has this information and additional information I would like a copy of this please. 2. A breakdown on the number of visits to hospital/reasons associated with receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. a.) emergency visits b.) hospitalizations and c.) ICU admissions d.) 911 ambulance/First Responder calls from December 14, 2020 to present. Date range for record Search: For 2019, 2020, & 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: NSHA 2021-181. click here to download NSHA 181 General and ICU 2020-2021.
(Attach response letter and transfer)i) NSHA 2022-005: Incidental Hospitalization (Going to hospital for something else & testing positive for COVID-19.) click here to download NSHA 2022-005 Response. and click here to download the response letter that explains the data.
NSHA 2022-005: On January 17, 2022I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: Data, reports, records and breakdown on number of Incidental Hospitalizations Re COVID. By month since January 1, 2020: data on people who have been included in NS daily count of people in hospital and ICU with COVID-19 but were not hospitalized due to the virus or for the virus. Numbers for those who have gone to the hospital for something else and tested positive for COVID upon arrival or while in hospital but are not suffering from it (asymptomatic). Date range for record Search: January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: NSHA 2022-005. click here to download NSHA 2022-005 Response. and click here to download the response letter that explains the data.
j) NSHA 2022-047: Extension of FOI NSHA-2021-173 $2,190 click here to see fee estimate.
NSHA 2022-047: On February 15, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: I would like an extension of FOIPOP NSHA-2021-173 to include November, December, January and part of February 2022 if available. I would like totals at the bottom for each hospital for COVID hospitalizations and ICU hospitalizations. If possible I would like to have a breakdown of those who went into hospital/ICU during this time due to COVID only/specifically and their vaccine status, and those who went into hospital for other reasons but tested positive for COVID prior to entry or after going into hospital for this time period and their vaccine status. Date range for record Search: November 2021, December 2021, January 2022 and part of February 2022. NSHA 2022-047 Fee estimate: $2,190 (NSHA declined request for fee waiver. Deterred by cost/didn’t proceed.) click here to see fee estimate.
k) 2022-00104-HEA: Long Term Care Residents transferred to hospital Re: COVID-19, true cause of death (was transferred to NSHA) click here to download 2022-00104-HEA
2022-00104-HEA: On January 21, 2022, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Records showing the number of people that died in long term care, in a nursing home, or were transferred from long term care or a nursing home into hospital that were marked down as a COVID-19 death and they were also at the end of life as per the attached document - Northwood Presser Notes. 2. As per the attached, "Medical Director reviewing all deaths" and the MOH to determine "true cause of death." Any record, report, correspondence, investigation results that determines the "true cause of death" of those who died at Northwood and any other facility where they were instructed to mark the person down as a COVID 19 death even though they were at the end of life. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2019 To 01/19/2022) click here to download 2022-00104-HEA
l) 2022-00626-HEA: Data on Cases, Vaccination Status, Doses Administered click here to download 2022-00626-HEA
2022-00626-HEA: On April 21, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness which was amended May 2, 2022: A breakdown of the following by month: 1. COVID-19 Cases broken down by month a) unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine b) unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine c) partially vaccinated d) fully vaccinated (Date range January 2022- April 2022) A breakdown of the following by month: 2. Vaccination Status of COVID-19 Deaths a) unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine b) unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine c) partially vaccinated d) fully vaccinated (Date range August 2021- April 2022) 3. All COVID-19 hospital visits, hospitalizations and ICU Hospitalizations broken down by month: a) unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine b) unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine c) partially vaccinated d) fully vaccinated (Date range August 2021- April 2022) 5. A continuation of Table 2, 3 and 4: a). Number of COVID-19 doses administered, by dose number and month (Date range January 2022- April 2022) b). Number of Adverse Events Following COVID-19 Immunization (Non-Serious, Serious and Total), by month (Date range August 2021- April 2022) c). Number of Adverse Events Following COVID-19 Immunization, by reaction type and month (Date range August 2021- April 2022) 6. Cumulative Data on the number of people who have experienced Serious Adverse Events who have a) died b) have a permanent disability c) incapacity d) required hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization (Total cumulative value as of April 19, 2022) Date range for record Search: From December 31, 2020 to April 30, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-00626-HEA. click here to download 2022-00626-HEA
m) NSHA 2022-200: Continuation of FOI NSHA 2021-173 on COVID-19 ICU hospitalizationsclick here to download NSHA 2022-200 ICU Nov & Dec 2021 up to October 2022.
NSHA 2022-200: On November 7, 2022, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health (NSH): Number of COVID ICU hospitalizations (continuation from October 2021 data found in NSHA 2021-173 3.g above) Date range for record Search:November & December 2021 and 2022 by month up to the end of October. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: NSHA 2022-200. click here to download NSHA 2022-200 ICU Nov & Dec 2021 up to October 2022.
n) NSHA-2023-242: Hospital Admissions and Deaths due to Diseases of the Respiratory System without COVID-19 click here to download NSHA-2023-242 Response Letter.and click here to download NSHA-2023-242 Response
NSHA-2023-242: On October 26, 2023, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: All records on the number of admissions and deaths which would include the breakdown below and totals for 2014-2023. Acute pharyngitis and tonsillitis, Influenza, Viral pneumonia, not elsewhere classified, Bacterial pneumonia, Pneumonia due to other or unspecified organisms, Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis, Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection Other diseases of upper respiratory tract, Chronic bronchitis, Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic, Emphysema, Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Asthma, Bronchiectasis, Pneumoconioses and chemical effects, pneumonitis due to food and vomit, other lung diseases due to external agents, Suppurative and necrotic conditions of lower respiratory tract, Pleural effusion and plaque, All other diseases of respiratory system click here to download NSHA-2023-242 Response Letter.and click here to download NSHA-2023-242 Response
o) NSHA-2024-046: Added COVID-19 to FOI NSHA-2024-042 (which was a breakdown of all Respiratory Deaths and Hospitalizations from 2014 to 2023 in Nova Scotia hospitals.) click here to download NSHA 2024-046.
NSHA-2024-046 Data Notes: 2023 includes data from January 1, 2023- December 31, 2023 however not all sites have coded completed therefore value could change and the abstract does not specifically indicate which diagnosis is attributed to the patient's death. A patient could have multiple diagnosis(of the ones requested) and be double counted.click here to download NSHA 2024-046.
4. Information on Deaths
I. "COVID-19" deaths
a) 2021-01590-HEA: Cases, Deaths, Adverse Events Following Immunization by vaccine status click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01590-HEA.
2021-01590-HEA: On August 23, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Amended August 25, 2021: A breakdown of the following by week: 1. COVID-19 Cases a.) unvaccinated b.) partially vaccinated c.) fully vaccinated. 2. COVID-19 Deaths a.) unvaccinated b.) partially vaccinated c.) fully vaccinated 3. COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects Total number of Vaccines administered - partial and full a.) Number of Adverse Effects b.) Number of Mild COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects and what they were. For example sore arm, tired, headache etc d.) Number of Serious COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects (for example: no longer able to work, or function as they once did, requiring care) 4. Breakdown of Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Nova Scotia including numbers of individuals who have experienced the specific side effect. Date range for record search: December 14, 2020 to August 22, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-01590-HEA. click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01590-HEA.
b) 2022-00104-HEA: Number of people who died in long term care and follow-up on Northwood click here to download 2022-00104-HEA
2022-00104-HEA: On January 21, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: 1. Records showing the number of people that died in long term care, in a nursing home, or were transferred from long term care or a nursing home into hospital that were marked down as a COVID-19 death and they were also at the end of life as per the attached document - Northwood Presser Notes. 2. As per the attached, "Medical Director reviewing all deaths" and the MOH to determine "true cause of death." Any record, report, correspondence, investigation results that determines the "true cause of death" of those who died at Northwood and any other facility where they were instructed to mark the person down as a COVID 19 death even though they were at the end of life. Date range for record search: December 31, 2019 to January 19, 2022. On January 27, 2022 my application was transferred in part to Nova Scotia Health because they have custody or control of some of the records I applied to see. However that failed to turn up records. See f) below. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-00104-HEA. click here to download 2022-00104-HEA (Attach transfer letter)
c) NSHA 2022-014: True Cause of Death of those who Died in Northwood Long Term Care click here to download NSHA 2022-014.
NSHA 2022-014: On January 27, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness and it was transferred to the Nova Scotia Health Authority: As per the attached email found in FOIPOP XXX , "Medical Director is reviewing all deaths" and the MOH is to determine "true cause of death." Any record, report, correspondence, investigation results that determines the "true cause of death" of those who died at Northwood and any other facility where they were instructed to mark the person down as a COVID 19 death even though they were at the end of life. Date Range for Record Search: December 31, 2019 to January 19, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of the email that I received back: NSHA 2022-014. click here to download NSHA 2022-014.
d) 2023-00073-SLTC: Deaths in Long Term Care 2017-2022 & Vaccination Status click here to download 2023-00073-SLTC Decision Letter
click here to download 2023-00073-SLTC Response2023-00073-SLTC: 1. A breakdown of the following by Long Term Care facility by month for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022: Name of LTC facility Capacity/number of residents Number of deaths by month for the above years. 2. Number of residents who had a) no COVID-19 vaccinations b) 1 dose c) 2 doses d) 3 doses e) 4 doses 3.) Number of COVID-19 deaths by a) no COVID-19 vaccinations b) 1 dose c) 2 doses d) 3 doses e) 4 doses 4.) Number of Break-though cases in those who were vaccinated. 5.) Number of deaths that were temporally associated with the COVID-19 vaccine that have not been clearly attributed to other causes for 2020, 2021, 2022. click here to download 2023-00073-SLTC Decision Letter
click here to download 2023-00073-SLTC Responsee) 2024-00606-HEA: Number of COVID-19 deaths, their vaccine status and age groups click here to download 2024-00606-HEA.
2024-00606-HEA: According to Vital Statistics, 66 people died of COVID-19 in 2020. Forty-five died of COVID-19 died in 2021. In 2022, the total number of deaths from COVID-19 is 475. I would like to request the following: 1) The total number of deaths classified as COVID-19 for 2023. 2) Records on the COVID-19 vaccine status of those who died with or from COVID-19 in 2021, 2022 and 2023 (separately by year) as per the following: a) no vaccines b) one vaccine c) two vaccines d) two vaccines + 1 booster e) two vaccines + 2 boosters f) two vaccines + 3 boosters g) two vaccines + 4 boosters h) two vaccines + 5 boosters. I am not sure how many boosters we are up to know but please include them all in the breakdown. 2) I would also like to receive records on the ages of deaths for 2020, 2021 and 2022 broken down into the following age brackets: a) under one year of age to 5 years old. b) 6-12 c) 13-20 d) 21-40 e) 41-60 f) 61-80 g) 81+ (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2019 To 12/30/2023) click here to download 2024-00606-HEA.
f) NSHA-2023-242: Hospital Admissions and Deaths due to Diseases of the Respiratory Systemclick here to download NSHA-2023-242 Response Letter.and click here to download NSHA-2023-242 Response
NSHA-2023-242: All records on the number of admissions and deaths which would include the breakdown below and totals for 2014-2023: Acute pharyngitis and tonsillitis, Influenza, Viral pneumonia, not elsewhere classified, Bacterial pneumonia, Pneumonia due to other or unspecified organisms, Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis, Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection Other diseases of upper respiratory tract, Chronic bronchitis, Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic, Emphysema, Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Asthma, Bronchiectasis, Pneumoconioses and chemical effects, pneumonitis due to food and vomit, other lung diseases due to external agents, Suppurative and necrotic conditions of lower respiratory tract, Pleural effusion and plaque, All other diseases of respiratory system click here to download NSHA-2023-242 Response Letter.and click here to download NSHA-2023-242 Response
g) NSHA-2024-046: Added COVID-19 to FOI NSHA-2024-042:the breakdown of all Respiratory Deaths and Hospitalizations from 2014 to 2023 in Nova Scotia hospitals.click here to download NSHA 2024-046.
Data Notes: 2023 includes data from January 1, 2023- December 31, 2023 however not all sites have coded completed therefore value could change and the abstract does not specifically indicate which diagnosis is attributed to the patient's death. A patient could have multiple diagnosis(of the ones requested) and be double counted.click here to download NSHA 2024-046.
II. Overall Cause of Deaths in Nova Scotia
a) 2022-00455-SNSIS: Deaths per month for 2019-2022 and overall cause of death click here to download 2022-00455-SNSIS
2022-00455-SNSIS: On March 15th, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from Service Nova Scotia Internal Services: Records providing total number of deaths per month in Nova Scotia for 2019, 2020, 2021 and so far in 2022. Records that show a breakdown with totals of cause of deaths for 2019, 2020 and 2021. (For example a breakdown of how many died of cancer, heart disease, suicide, drug overdose, kidney failure etc. for the above years) Date range for record search: 2019, 2020, 2021 and so far in 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of the email that I received back: 2022-00455-SNSIS. Note: 2019 and 2020 are complete. 2021 and 2022 are incomplete) click here to download 2022-00455-SNSIS
b) 2022-01565-SNSIS: Deaths from 2017-2022 by age click here to download 2022-01565-SNSIS
2022-01565-SNSIS: On September 22, 2022, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from Service Nova Scotia Internal Services: Records/Data on breakdown of deaths for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 by a.) Age. (Suggested age 'brackets' would be 0-19, 20-29,30-39,40-49, 50-59,60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90-99, 100+ but I am flexible if you have information in similar age brackets already completed) and by b.) Month. 2.) All records that have been created, written by this department on the topic of excess mortality for 2019, 2020 and 2021. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2016 To 09/20/2022)
c) 2023-00074-SNSIS: Total number of Deaths per month in 2022 & cause of death for 2021 and 2022 click here to download 2023-00074-SNSIS
2023-00074-SNSIS: On February 21, 2023 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from Service Nova Scotia Internal Services:1. Records providing total number of deaths per month in Nova Scotia for 2022 2. Records that show a breakdown with totals of cause of deaths for 2021 and 2022.
d) 2023-00544-SNSIS: Update on 2022-01565-SNSIS click here to download 2023-00544-SNSIS
2023-00544-SNSIS: On March 23, 2023 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from Service Nova Scotia Internal Services:On October 24, 2022 I received 2022-01565-SNSIS and the date range was 2017 to August 2022 (it appears that September, although included was incomplete) Therefore, I would like to request an extension of this FOI. 1) Records/Data on breakdown of deaths for September, October, November, December of 2022 and January, February (if complete) for 2023 by (a) age (suggested brackets would be 0-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49,50-59, 60-69, 70-79,80-89,90-99, 100+ and (b) by month. 2) All records on excess mortality for 2022. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2021 To 03/21/2023)
e) 2023-00037-JUS: Sudden Deaths (not provided) click here to download 2023-00037-JUS
2023-00037-JUS: On January 4, 2023 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Justice: I would like to receive the following records from the Nova Scotia Medical Examiner Service for the past five years - for each year separate: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. 1. Number of persons who die from a) criminal violence b) by accident c) by suicide d) suddenly when in apparent good health e) when unattended by a physician f) in a correctional facility g) or in any suspicious or unusual manner. 2. For d) suddenly when in apparent good health and g) any suspicious or unusual manner I would to know the following: The number of people and cause of death that was determined. Thank you. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2017 To 12/30/2022)
III. Comorbidities
a) 2021-01142-HEA: Comorbidity Data up to June 17, 2021 click here to download 2021-01142-HEA.
2022-01142-HEA: On June 10, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: I would like to learn the comorbidity data that the people had who died ‘with’ or ‘from’ COVID-19 including ages, sex, any information o studies/data that has been gathered on those who have died of COVID-19 in N.S. Date range for record Search: March 1, 2020 to June 17, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-01142-HEA. click here to download 2021-01142-HEA.
b) 2021-00547-HEA: Update on FOI 2021-01142-HEA on Comorbidities Data click here to download 2021-00547-HEA.
h) 2021-00547-HEA: On April 1, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: I would like to request an update on FOIPOP 2021-01142-HEA (to learn all the comorbidity data that the people had who died 'with' or 'from' COVID-19) with 1.) a breakdown in ages as follows: 0-12, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90+ 2.) and a breakdown on how many of the total were fully vaccinated. 3. How many died of the total in Long Term Care or a nursing home. Please include an updated Table 1 with the age ranges noted above as well as Table 2 and Table 3. with a break down with how many were fully vaccinated. Date range for record search: February 29, 2020 to March 31, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-00547-HEA. click here to download 2021-00547-HEA.
Note: They lumped unvaccinated (zero doses) with people who had doses and included deaths that were unvaccinated when there was no vaccine available.c) PHAC-A-2021-000631: Federal FOI to the Public Health Agency of Health re Comorbidities of 0-19 year olds click here to download PHAC-A-2021-000631.
PHAC-A-2021-000631: On January 27, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Public Health Agency of Canada: 1. Comorbidities of 0-19 year olds who died 'with' or 'from' COVID-19 for years 2020, 2021, and so far in 2022 and their vaccine status: - no shots (vaccine free) - one dose less than 14 days - one dose - two doses fully vaccinated - booster 2. Of the 31,841 that have died "with" or "from" COVID-19 as of January 21, 2022 a) By month, the total number who died in each of the following facilities: - long term care - a nursing home - or who were transferred from long term care or a nursing home into hospital b) Breakdown of vaccine status of those who died as of January 21, 2022 (31,841 COVID-19 deaths) separated by year (2020, 2021, and so far in 2022) - no shots (vaccine free) - 1 dose less than 14 days - 1 dose - 2 doses fully vaccinated - booster 3. Of the 111,056 hospitalizations a) - number of incidental hospitalizations - number of hospitalizations due to COVID-19 only b) Vaccine status - no shots (vaccine free) - 1 dose less than 14 days - 1 dose - 2 doses fully vaccinated - booster 4. Of the 20,344 ICU hospitalizations a) - number of incidental ICU hospitalizations - number of ICU hospitalizations due to COVID-19 only b) Vaccine status - no shots (vaccine free) - 1 dose less than 14 days - 1 dose - 2 doses fully vaccinated - booster. Date range for record search: 2020, 2021 and so far in 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of the email that I received back: PHAC-A-2021-000631 / PG. click here to download PHAC-A-2021-000631.
IV. Natural Immunity
a) 2021-01645-HEA: Amended FOI on Herd Immunity click here to download 2021-01645-HEA.
2021-01645-HEA: On November 22, 2021 I resubmitted for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Amended November 22, 2021: All records, e-mails, information held by Dr. Robert Strang on the topic of herd immunity and natural immunity. Date range for record search: September 30, 2020 to September 6, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-01645-HEA. click here to download 2021-01645-HEA.
V. Vaccine injuries and Deaths
a) 2021-01590-HEA: Cases, Deaths, Adverse Events Following Immunization by vaccine status click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01590-HEA.
2021-01590-HEA: On August 23, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Amended August 25, 2021: A breakdown of the following by week: 1. COVID-19 Cases a.) unvaccinated b.) partially vaccinated c.) fully vaccinated. 2. COVID-19 Deaths a.) unvaccinated b.) partially vaccinated c.) fully vaccinated 3. COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects Total number of Vaccines administered - partial and full a.) Number of Adverse Effects b.) Number of Mild COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects and what they were. For example sore arm, tired, headache etc d.) Number of Serious COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects (for example: no longer able to work, or function as they once did, requiring care) 4. Breakdown of Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Nova Scotia including numbers of individuals who have experienced the specific side effect. Date range for record search: December 14, 2020 to August 22, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-01590-HEA. click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01590-HEA.
b) 2021-01822-HEA: Number of deaths within 14 days of the vaccine by age group click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01822-HEA.
FOIPOP 2021-01822-HEA: On October 6, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: 1. Number of individuals in NS who died within 14 days* of a COVID-19 vaccine. *within 14 days of the 1st or 2nd dose whichever difference was lower. Broken down into the following age groups: 12-19 years of age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90+ 2. Number of individuals in NS who died as a result of a COVID-19 vaccine. 12-19 years of age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90+. Date range for record search: December 19, 2020 to October 3, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01822-HEA.
c) 2022-01408-HEA: Deaths 14 days to 12 months after COVID-19 vaccines (*they are not tracking it past one month*) click here to download 2022-01408-HEA
p) 2022-01408-HEA: On September 8, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: The number of people who have died a) 14 days, b) one month, c) two months, d) three months, e) four months, f) five months, g) six months, h) seven months, i) eight months, j) nine months, k) 10 months, l) 11 months, m) 12 months, n) 12 months + after getting a COVID-19 vaccine a.) by dose (broken down into 1 dose less than 14 days, 1 dose and 14 days have passed, 2 doses, 2 doses + booster or three doses, 4 doses) b.) by age (0-12, 13-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70, 71-80, 81-90, 91-100+) c.) All information in categories of what they died from – for example, clots, stroke, heart attack, aneurism, still born, myocarditis, (Pfizer lists 8 pages of adverse events in their safety data which I have attached) Date range for record search: December 13, 2020 to September 6, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-01408-HEA. click here to download 2022-01408-HEA
2022-02123-HEA Resubmitted 2022-01408-HEA
2022-02123-HEA: On September 8, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness:I would like to resubmit 2022-01408-HEA. I feel that the response was off-topic. The request was for the following: The number of people who have died a) 14 days b) one month c) two months d) three months e) four months f) five months g) six months h) seven months i) eight months j) nine months k) 10 months l) 11 months m) 12 months n) 12 months + up to the date of this submission after getting a COVID-19 vaccine. (AFTER GETTING) a) by dose (broken down into 1 dose less than 14 days; 1 dose and 14 days have passed, 2 doses + booster, 2 doses + 2 boosters) b) by age (0-12, 13-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70, 71-80, 81-90, 91-100+) c.) All records, data available on what the Department has collected on what they have died from. For example, blood clotting disorders, COVID, still born, myocarditis, cancer. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/12/2020 To 12/21/2022)
They stalled me and I gave up. Here is the back and forth correspondence:
Dec 22, 2022, 11:58 AM
Good morning,
You have submitted a new request to the Department of Health and Wellness under FOIPOP file 2022-02123-HEA. The scope is duplicate to a response provided under 2022-01408-HEA. A decision was issued on this scope and the response was provided to you on October 11, 2022. Can you let me know if there is something further that you were asking for within this new request?
Kind regards, Melinda Frelick, BSc, CIAPP-P IAP Administrator/ Team Lead Information Access and Privacy (IAP) Services Service Nova Scotia and Internal Services Address: PO Box 72, Halifax, NS B3J 2L4 Phone: (902)424-6920
Back to Melinda on Dec 22, 2022, 7:21 PM
In my request I asked for the number of people who have died, by dose and age from 14 days to 12 months + after getting the COVID-19 vaccines.The information in the FOI is Fatal Adverse Events Following Immunization by vaccine death interval, dose and age group. The request that I made was more general. I'm not asking for those who have died due to an AEFI...but just died within those time frames and the reasons why they died. The reason for asking this is that I have read reports that there is an increase in the number of deaths after vaccination but the government is not attributing them to the vaccination. People within a year are dying of strokes, clots, stillbirths etc. which would not be linked to the vaccine at this point. In the military in the states they are seeing pulmonary diseases go through the roof in 2021. Thyroid disorders, cardiac...it's crazy. Also in Israel, the same thing is happening. So I was wondering what data we have here on the number of deaths after vaccination...time frame and ages.
Frelick, Melinda
Good afternoon,
I am finding it hard to understand the records you are asking for with this request. DHW is monitoring the effects of the vaccine through the AEFI reporting. If they are finding a causal relationship between symptoms such as a clot and the vaccine it is recorded as an AEFI. If you are asking about records regarding general causes of death outside of those recorded as AEFI this would be information found through vital statistics.
Jan 21, 2023, 12:00 PM to Melinda
In 2022-1408-HEA it states that the temporal criteria is that localized events occurring within 7 days, systemic events occurring within 7 days, allergic events occurring within 48 hours, neurologic events occurring within 56 days, other events within 1 month. What I want are those number of days removed...because I feel that people may have a death after one month due to the vaccine - or they may have a neurological event on day 58 for example. That's what I am looking for. If they are only tracking those who fall within this very narrow criteria then in my opinion they are not tracking the full picture of what is happening. Clots for a heart attack may take months to develop as the clots can be very very small. We are all different and react differently to a 'treatment.'
Frelick, Melinda
Under FOIPOP 2022-01408-HEA you had asked for number of people who died after getting a COVID-19 Vaccine and the Department responded under the way they track this information and what they consider a death associated with the vaccine. If you are unhappy about the response to that request, or think that information is missing you would need to submit a review to the OIPC. For this request, if you would like causes of death information outside the parameters for how DHW track deaths after vaccination this would be information held under vital statistics with SNSIS. Let me know how you would like to proceed.
Jan 23, 2023, 10:41 AM to Melinda
Hello Melinda - I think I finally got what you are saying. So you write: if you would like causes of death information outside the parameters for how DHW track deaths after vaccination this would be information held under vital statistics with SNSIS. So from that I take it that DHW is NOT monitoring deaths beyond the dates outlined - so when people die on a day after the 'deadline' they are not tracked by DHW. But you are telling me that SNSIS does? If this is the case, then yes, I would like it transferred. However, it is most concerned that the department responsible for the rollout is not tracking this...
Frelick, Melinda
DHW confirmed that: There are nationally determined definitions/criteria for what is reportable as a COVID AEFI. Those criteria guide what is entered into our public health information system, Panorama. We are unable to pull out data using other criteria because data won’t exist for other criteria. I was not saying that SNSIS tracks deaths related to the vaccine. I was stating that they could provide causes of death in general.
VII. Excess Deaths
2023-02297-HEA Ministerial Level on Excess Deaths click here to download 2023-2297-HEA
2023-02297-HEA: On November 2, 2023 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness:According to Statistics Canada data, deaths were estimated to be 10,579 in 2022. Actual deaths in the province were 11,641. This means that there were 1062 excess deaths. In 2020 there were - (negative) 105 deaths. I would like to receive all records at the ministerial/DM/ADM office level on excess deaths in Nova Scotia in 2022. Excluding general correspondence from the public. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2021 To 11/1/2023)click here to download 2023-2297-HEA
2024-00607-HEA: CBC Article Excess Mortality Records click here to download 2024-00607-HEA
2024-00607-HEA: On March 15, 2024 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness:As per this CBC news article dated June 2023... https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/nova-scotia-excess-mortality- statistics-canada-1.6873755 It states: Excess mortality — or deaths above what would be normally anticipated — is a signal to public health officials that something concerning is happening and needs to be addressed. Therefore, I would like to request all records within the Public Health Branch that address excess deaths/mortality in Nova Scotia in 2022. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2021 To 12/30/2022) click here to download 2024-00607-HEA
NOTES: 124 pages. No mention of the vaccine contributing to excess deaths. They start to look into it and then it is called off. Guess they have more important things to do than look into the 1000+ excess deaths in 2022.
2024-00894-SNSIS Excess Deaths since it has been recorded up to 2023 - Assigned for processing
2024-00894-SNSIS: On April 22, 2024, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Service Nova Scotia Internal Services: I would like to request the following: Records on excess deaths/mortality (the estimated/expected deaths and actual number of deaths) for each year that it has been provided to and recorded by Vital Statistics up to 2022 or 2023 if it has been completed. This information may have been provided by Stats Can to the Vital Statistics Branch.
5. Vaccination Information
a) 2021-01590-HEA: Cases, Deaths, Adverse Events Following Immunization by vaccine status click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01590-HEA.
2021-01590-HEA: On August 23, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Amended August 25, 2021: A breakdown of the following by week: 1. COVID-19 Cases a.) unvaccinated b.) partially vaccinated c.) fully vaccinated. 2. COVID-19 Deaths a.) unvaccinated b.) partially vaccinated c.) fully vaccinated 3. COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects Total number of Vaccines administered - partial and full a.) Number of Adverse Effects b.) Number of Mild COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects and what they were. For example sore arm, tired, headache etc d.) Number of Serious COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects (for example: no longer able to work, or function as they once did, requiring care) 4. Breakdown of Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Nova Scotia including numbers of individuals who have experienced the specific side effect. Date range for record search: December 14, 2020 to August 22, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-01590-HEA. click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01590-HEA.
b) 2021-01821-HEA: Reports on AEFI to PHAC and Health Canada - declined click here to download FOIPOP 2021-001821-HEA Fee Estimate Letter. and click here to download FOIPOP 2021-001821-HEA Decision Letter.
2021-01821-HEA: On October 4, 2021, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: I would like copies of all records that are forwarded from Nova Scotia to the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System (CAEFISS) and Health Canada’s Canada Vigilance program that were used to create the following breakdown of information (see attached) Amended November 19, 2021: November 19th to a breakdown of the reported adverse events in aggregated format rather than full AEPI. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/19/2020 To 9/30/2021) declined click here to download FOIPOP 2021-001821-HEA Fee Estimate Letter. and click here to download FOIPOP 2021-001821-HEA Decision Letter.
Notes: 2021-01821-HEA: I applied - they did two extensions of 30 days totaling a60 day extension. Following that they sent me a "fee notice" in the amount of $540. I appealed and they refused the appeal. I then split the amount with a friend and paid, then they came back to me and declined the request.
c) 2021-01822-HEA: Number of deaths within 14 days of the vaccine by age group click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01822-HEA.
2021-01822-HEA: On October 6, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: 1. Number of individuals in NS who died within 14 days* of a COVID-19 vaccine. *within 14 days of the 1st or 2nd dose whichever difference was lower. Broken down into the following age groups: 12-19 years of age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90+ 2. Number of individuals in NS who died as a result of a COVID-19 vaccine. 12-19 years of age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90+. Date range for record search: December 19, 2020 to October 3, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01822-HEA.
d) IWK 21-14: Pregnancy Outcomes click here to download FOIPOP IWK 21-14.
IWK 21-14: On November 29, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority and it was transferred to the IWK: Data on pregnancy outcomes by month from 2016 to the date of this application to include o Number of births o Spontaneous abortion/still born o Fetal growth restriction o Other health issues. There are reports circulating that hospitals are seeing an increase in stillborns in 2021. I would like to know the data for Nova Scotia. If there are any reports or information for the reasons why-I would like to know that as well. Date range for record search: 2016 to the date of this application. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: IWK 21-14. click here to download FOIPOP IWK 21-14.
e)IWK 21-15 D-Dimer tests doneclick here to download FOIPOP IWK 21-15.
IWK 21-15: On November 29, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority and the requests for children was transferred to the IWK: Following records for 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 by month: Number of d-dimer tests done, and blood clot results categorized into the following age groups 12-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80 plus. Date range for record search: 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 by month. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: IWK 21-15. Notes from response letter: The IWK has partial data responsive to item # 1 of your FOIPOP request, relating to the number of d-dimer tests done broken down into the requested age groups. Please see the enclosed chart. However, IWK does not have responsive data to item #1 regarding blood clots, as this is not data collected by IWK or currently available in a record maintained by IWK. click here to download FOIPOP IWK 21-15.
click here to download FOIPOP IWK 21-15.f)2021-02261-HEA: Contract between Department of Health and Wellness and CANImmunize click here to download 2021-02261-HEA
2021-02261-HEA: On December 6, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: The Contract between DHW and CANImmunize/Clinic Flow. (company responsible for booking vaccine appointments and Proof of Vaccination) Date range for record search: March 31, 2020 to December 5, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-02261-HEA. click here to download 2021-02261-HEA
g)2022-00074-HEA Update on FOI 2021-01590-HEA with unvaccinated meaning those with zero (0) doses click here to download 2022-00074-HEA
2022-00074-HEA On January 17, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Amended February 14, 2022: I would like to request an update to FOIPOP 2021-01590-HEA with the following additions. According to the FOIPOP vaccine status is defined as follows: Unvaccinated: <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine and after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine. Therefore, I would like to request the following records: A breakdown of the following by week: 1. COVID-19 Cases broken down by week a) unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine b) unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine c) partially vaccinated d) fully vaccinated (Date range August 22, 2021-January 16, 2022) A breakdown of the following by week: 2. Vaccination Status of COVID-19 Deaths a) unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine b) unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine c) partially vaccinated d) fully vaccinated (Date range August 22, 2021-January 16, 2022) 3. All COVID-19 hospital visits, hospitalizations and ICU Hospitalizations broken down by week: a) unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine b) unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine c) partially vaccinated d) fully vaccinated (Date range: August 23, 2021- January 16, 2022) 5. A continuation of Table 2, 3 and 4: a). Number of COVID-19 doses administered, by dose number and week (Date range: August 29, 2021 – January 16, 2022) b). Number of Adverse Events Following COVID-19 Immunization (Non-Serious, Serious and Total), by week (Date range: August 29, 2021- January 16, 2022) c). Number of Adverse Events Following COVID-19 Immunization, by reaction type and week (Date range: August 29, 2021- January 16, 2022) 6. Cumulative Data on the number of people who have experienced Serious Adverse Events who have a) died b) have a permanent disability c) incapacity d) required hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization (Total cumulative value as of January 16, 2022) Date range for record search: August 23, 2021 to January 16, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-00074-HEA. Note in response letter: Omicron data incomplete. click here to download 2022-00074-HEA
h) 2022-00108-HEA: Proof that an unvaccinated person has spread it to another person click here to download 2022-00108-HEA
2022-00108-HEA: On January 21, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: 1. Any record, report, documentation, proof that an unvaccinated person has spread the COVID-19 virus to others in Nova Scotia. (in 2020 before the vaccine or in 2021) 2. The number of such incidents. Date range for record search: December 19, 2020 to January 19, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-00108-HEA. The letter states: We cannot grant your request. We are refusing access to the records for the following reasons: Section 4 A(1): other statutes prevail – Personal Health Information Act prevails over FOIPOP. Details pertaining to positive COVID-19 cases, including any contact tracing completed is included as part of the individual’s personal health information records. click here to download 2022-00108-HEA
i)2022-00109-HEA: Disease of the Unvaccinatedclick here to download 2022-00109-HEA
2022-00109-HEA: On January 21, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: 1. I would like to request all records, studies, data, evidence and proof that COVID-19 is a “disease of the unvaccinated." (What support does the department have when they/Dr. Robert Strang - makes this statement to prove that this statement is true?) 2. Please provide all records, studies, data, evidence and proof that the unvaccinated are straining the health care system in Nova Scotia due to having COVID-19 more so than the vaccinated. 3. Of those who tested positive for COVID-19 in hospital, please provide a breakdown of those who were a) asymptomatic b) symptomatic. Date range for record search: December 19, 2020 to January 19, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-00109-HEA. click here to download 2022-00109-HEA
j) 2022-00110-HEA: Science referred to by Dr. Robert Strang and Dr. Shelley Deeks in press release click here to download 2022-00110-HEA
2022-00110-HEA: On January 21, 2022. I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: https://novascotia.ca/news/release/?id=20211029007 In this op-ed (link above) on October 29, 2021, by Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, and Dr. Shelley Deeks, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health They state: Receiving the COVID-19 vaccine is one of the single most important steps you can take to protect yourself and others from this virus. The science is clear: the benefits far outweigh any risk associated with COVID-19 vaccines. 1.) I would like to request all records, the evidence, the proof that what Dr. Robert Strang and Dr. Shelley Deeks is saying is true: "That the COVID-19 vaccine is one of the single most important steps you can take to protect yourself and others from this virus." (What proof do they have that the vaccine is protecting people and others?) 2. I would like to receive a copy of "the science" that they reference in this statement as being clear - that shows that "the benefits (of the vaccines) far outweigh any risk associated with COVID-19 vaccines. Please provide the risk-benefit analysis that they are referring too. Date range for record search: September 30, 2021 to October 31, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-00110-HEA Notes from response letter: We are refusing access to the records for the following reason pursuant to subsection 4(2) of the Act: • The Act does not apply to the following kinds of information in the custody or control of a public body: • published information, material available for purchase and material that is a matter of public record. Nova Scotia’s Covid -19 response actions have been based on national and international guidance from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). As the leading agencies for pandemic response nationally and internationally, both PHAC and WHO are continuously reviewing the evolving scientific evidence regarding COVID-19 and the effectiveness of various measures. These reviews are used to form their guidance, position statements, and other documents all of which are in the public domain. click here to download 2022-00110-HEA
Notes: Number of pages: 10. The response letter states: Responsive data for part 2 of this request have been located and are attached. For part 1, evidence of relative risk of infection, hospitalization and death between vaccinated and unvaccinated people is based on publicly available national and international guidance as well as published literature. For part 3, the department does not have data for whether those who tested positive in hospital are symptomatic or asymptomatic.
k)NSHA 2022-182: Heart and blood clotting issues 2018-2021 by age click here to download
NSHA 2022-182: On November 22, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: 1. Data/reports on number of visits to doctors due to and resulting in 1.) heart and 2.) blood clot issues for a.) the years 2018, 2019, 2020, and so far in 2021. and b.) Please include the following age categories: under one year to 4, 5-11, 12-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90+. 3.) Reports, data, correspondence, e-mails on these topics, (heart and blood clot issues) in relation to the COVID-19 vaccine. Date range for record search: 2018, 2019, 2020 and so far in 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: NSHA 2022-182.click here to download
l) 2022-00626-HEA: Data on Cases, Vaccination Status, Doses Administered click here to download 2022-00626-HEA
2022-00626-HEA: On April 21, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Amended May 2, 2022: A breakdown of the following by month: 1. COVID-19 Cases broken down by month a) unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine b) unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine c) partially vaccinated d) fully vaccinated (Date range January 2022- April 2022) A breakdown of the following by month: 2. Vaccination Status of COVID-19 Deaths a) unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine b) unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine c) partially vaccinated d) fully vaccinated (Date range August 2021- April 2022) 3. All COVID-19 hospital visits, hospitalizations and ICU Hospitalizations broken down by month: a) unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine b) unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine c) partially vaccinated d) fully vaccinated (Date range August 2021- April 2022) 5. A continuation of Table 2, 3 and 4: a). Number of COVID-19 doses administered, by dose number and month (Date range January 2022- April 2022) b). Number of Adverse Events Following COVID-19 Immunization (Non-Serious, Serious and Total), by month (Date range August 2021- April 2022) c). Number of Adverse Events Following COVID-19 Immunization, by reaction type and month (Date range August 2021- April 2022) 6. Cumulative Data on the number of people who have experienced Serious Adverse Events who have a) died b) have a permanent disability c) incapacity d) required hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization (Total cumulative value as of April 19, 2022) Date range for record search: August 1, 2021/January 1, 2022 to April 30, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-00626-HEA. click here to download 2022-00626-HEA
m) 2022-01337-HEA: Investigated statement on unvaccinated in Epidemiologic Summary dated August 9, 2022. click here to download FOIPOP 2022-01337-HEA.
2022-01337-HEA: On August 24, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: In the Nova Scotia Monthly COVID-19 Epidemiologic Summary dated August 9, 2022 Found here: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/alerts-notices/#epidemiologic-summaries It states that: "Age and lack of vaccination continue to be associated with severe outcomes: >>>"Unvaccinated Nova Scotians were hospitalized at nearly four times the rate and died more than three times the rate as those with three or more doses."<<< I would like to receive all records that show the step by step mathematical calculation with supportive documentation and explanations - the calculation that was used to determine, support and justify this statement, that: "Unvaccinated Nova Scotians were hospitalized at nearly four times the rate and died more than three times the rate as those with three or more doses." In essence, the "record" that shows how was this was determined by the Public Health Branch of the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness. Date range for record search: From December 31, 2021 to August 23,2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-01337-HEA. click here to download FOIPOP 2022-01337-HEA.
n) 2022-01344-HEA: Health care and long term care workers off the job click here to download 2022-01344-HEA
2022-01344-HEA: On August 26, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Number of health care workers and long term care workers off the job due to their vaccination status Date range for record search: October 1, 2021 to August 26, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-01344-HEA click here to download 2022-01344-HEA
o) 2022-01348-HEA: Data on Cases, Deaths, Vaccine Status click here to download 2022-01348-HEA and this is the response letter outlining info on FOI click here to download 2022-01348-HEA response letter
2022-01348-HEA: On September 8, 2022, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Amended September 8th, 2022: Update to previous FOIPOP request 2022-00626-HEA: A quarterly breakdown of the following: 1. COVID-19 cases by immunization status broken down by month a) unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine b) unvaccinated – one dose >>"Unvaccinated Nova Scotians were hospitalized at nearly four times the rate and died more than three times the rate as those with three or more doses."<<< I would like to receive all records that show the step by step mathematical calculation with supportive documentation and explanations - the calculation that was used to determine, support and justify this statement, that: "Unvaccinated Nova Scotians were hospitalized at nearly four times the rate and died more than three times the rate as those with three or more doses." In essence, the "record" that shows how was this was determined by the Public Health Branch of the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2021 To 08/23/2022)
p) 2022-01349-HEA: Reports to Dr. Robert Strang on Adverse Events Following Immunization click here to download 2022-01349-HEA
2022-01349-HEA: On August 29, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Copies of all records such as correspondence (emails, and letters) reports and documents sent to/given to/ reported to/received by Dr. Robert Strang from doctors, pharmacies, medical officers, hospital administration, long term care and nursing home administration - on the topic of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events/side-effects and deaths that have occurred since it was rolled out in our province. This would include correspondence and reports on adverse events and deaths that are temporally associated with vaccine that have not been clearly attributed to other causes that Dr. Robert Strang has had in his possession. Date range for record search: December 7, 2020 to June 30, 2021 - First six months of the vaccine rollout. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-01349-HEA. click here to download 2022-01349-HEA
q) 2022-01408-HEA: Deaths 14 days to 12 months after COVID-19 vaccines click here to download 2022-01408-HEA
2022-01408-HEA: On September 8, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: The number of people who have died a) 14 days, b) one month, c) two months, d) three months, e) four months, f) five months, g) six months, h) seven months, i) eight months, j) nine months, k) 10 months, l) 11 months, m) 12 months, n) 12 months + after getting a COVID-19 vaccine a.) by dose (broken down into 1 dose less than 14 days, 1 dose and 14 days have passed, 2 doses, 2 doses + booster or three doses, 4 doses) b.) by age (0-12, 13-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70, 71-80, 81-90, 91-100+) c.) All information in categories of what they died from – for example, clots, stroke, heart attack, aneurism, still born, myocarditis, (Pfizer lists 8 pages of adverse events in their safety data which I have attached) Date range for record search: December 13, 2020 to September 6, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-01408-HEA. click here to download 2022-01408-HEA
r) 2022-01409-HEA: To see if Dr. Robert Strang's office had COVID-19 safety data released by Judge Pittman. click here to download 2022-01409-HEA
2022-01409-HEA: On September 8, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Records held by Dr. Strang on release of Pfizer Safety Data in January 2022 by Judge Mark Pittman in USA. Date range for record search: January 9, 2022 to September 6, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: click here to download 2022-01409-HEA
s) 2022-01410-PRE: Pfizer Dump to Premier's Office click here to download 2022-01410-PRE
2022-01410-PRE: On September 8, 2022, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Office of the Premier:In early January 2022, a US Federal Judge, Mark Pittman ordered Pfizer to release 55,000 pages per month on the vaccine safety data in a response to a FOI request filed on behalf of Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency. The List of Adverse Events of Special Interest totals over eight pages in length that includes neonatal death and sudden unexplained death. I would like to request all records and correspondence that the Premier's office has on the topic of Pfizer's safety data that has been released since January 10, 2022. Attached is an example of Pfizer's Safety Data. (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/09/2022 To 09/06/2022)Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back:click here to download 2022-01410-PRE
t) 2022-01420-HEA: Names of those preparing the Epidemiologic Summaries click here to download 2022-01420-HEA
2022-01420-HEA: On September 8, 2022, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: The a) names of the people and their positions/title, b) where they work (what hospital, department etc) and c) credentials(education,experience) of those who prepared the following reports and summaries on this NS COVID-19 government website: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/alerts-notices/#epidemiologic-summaries 1) Report: Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) with COVID-19 vaccines. From October 31, 2021 2) Epidemiologic summaries From March 30, 2022 Report: https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/alerts-notices/#epidemiologic-summaries (Date Range for Record Search: From 10/30/2021 To 09/07/2022)Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back:click here to download 2022-01420-HEA
u) 2022-01666-HEA: Relative Risk Unvaccinated and Vaccinated. click here to download 2022-01666-HEA
2022-01666-HEA: On October 11, 2022, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Amended October 13, 2022: I would like to receive all records on COVID-19 relative risk calculations held by the Department that compares the outcomes in the following two different groups of people. 1. The unvaccinated with no doses of the COVID-19 vaccine (Zero) with 2. Those who have had two doses and three doses and more doses of the COVID-19 vaccines - those who have been vaccinated. 3. All records on relative risk calculated for different age groups comparing the unvaccinated (0 doses) with those who are vaccinated; those who have received two doses, two doses and the booster, and fourth dose) If a copy of the calculations are available, please include those as well. (Date Range for Record Search: From 3/19/2022 To 10/7/2022)Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back:click here to download 2022-01666-HEA
v) 2022-02125-HEA: Clarification on "Cleaning the Data" in AEFI reportsclick here to download FOIPOP 2022-02125-HEA
2022-02125-HEA: On January 16, 2023, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness:Modified Jan 16, 23 1) All records including emails and discussions on "cleaning" of AEFI data. 2) All records on the a) process of cleaning of AEFI data b) all manuals that the DHW staff are following to clean the data. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/15/2020 To 12/21/2022)Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: click here to download FOIPOP 2022-02125-HEA
w) 2023-00073-SLTC: Long Term Care Deaths and Vaccine Information click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00073-SLTC
2023-00073-SLTC: On January 11, 2023 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Seniors and Long Term Care:1. A breakdown of the following by Long Term Care facility by month for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022: Name of LTC facility Capacity/number of residents Number of deaths by month for the above years. 2. Number of residents who had a) no COVID-19 vaccinations b) 1 dose c) 2 doses d) 3 doses e) 4 doses 3.) Number of COVID-19 deaths by a) no COVID-19 vaccinations b) 1 dose c) 2 doses d) 3 doses e) 4 doses 4.) Number of Break-though cases in those who were vaccinated. 5.) Number of deaths that were temporally associated with the COVID-19 vaccine that have not been clearly attributed to other causes for 2020, 2021, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back:click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00073-SLTC
x) 2023-00079-PSC: Government Exemptions click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00079-PSC and the decision letter is here: click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00079-PSC decision letter.
2023-00079-PSC: On January 11, 2023, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Public Service Commission:All records on: 1) The total number of Government of Nova Scotia employees who requested an exemption 2) The total number of Government of Nova Scotia employees who were declined 3) For those declined, the recorded reason why they were declined without identifying information. 5) Record noting why those approved for an exemption were approved. 6) The record showing who, what organization, government department that devised or created the exemption criteria (where did it come from?) 7) The record showing the justifications for adopting it for Nova Scotia if it was from out of province. (Date Range for Record Search: From 10/31/2020 To 01/10/2023) (Date Range for Record Search: From 10/31/2020 To 1/10/2023)Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00079-PSC and the decision letter is here: click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00079-PSC decision letter.
y) 2023-00192-PRE: AEFI reported to Premier from Dr. Robert Strang click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00192-PRE
2023-00192-PRE: On January 25, 2023, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Office of the Premier: Copies of all records such as correspondence (emails, and letters), reports and documents, briefings sent to/given to/ reported to/received by the Premier's Office from Dr. Robert Strang, doctors, pharmacies, medical officers, hospital administration, long term care and nursing home administration and anyone else who was responsible for rolling out the vaccines in this province - on the topic of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events/side-effects and deaths that have occurred since it was rolled out in our province. This would include correspondence and reports on adverse events and deaths that are temporally associated with vaccine that have not been clearly attributed to other causes in the custody or control of the Office of the Premier. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/15/2020 To 01/23/2023) (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/15/2020 To 1/23/2023)Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back:click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00192-PRE
z) 2023-00345-HEA: AEFI reports made to Dr. Shelley Deeks (under Strang) click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00345-HEA
2023-00345-HEA: On February 27, 2023, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness:All emails, records, reports, and correspondence sent and received by Dr. Shelley Deeks, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health, on the topic of people who had Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) after receiving any of the COVID-19 vaccines. (no personal identifying information.) (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/15/2020 To 02/26/2023) Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00345-HEA
aa) 2023-00392-HEA: Flu Vaccine click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00392-HEA
2023-00392-HEA: On March 6, 2023, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness:Amended March 14, 2023: All records on adverse events following immunization for the flu vaccine. I would like for it to include: 1) Serious/non-serious adverse events per 100,000 doses, including top ten reported adverse events and any prepared graphs 2) Number of doses given. 3.) Number of people who die from the flu annually and number of people who have died from the Flu vaccine. 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back:click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00392-HEA
bb) 2023-00393-HEA: Correspondence to Dr.Robert Strang on AEFI September 8, 2021 to September 7, 2022 click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00393-HEA
2023-00393-HEA: On March 6, 2023, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness:Modified March 27 Copies of ALL records such as correspondence (emails, and letters), reports and documents, briefings sent to/given to/reported to/received by Dr. Robert Strang from doctors, pharmacies, medical officers, hospital administration, long term care and nursing home administration and anyone else who was responsible for rolling out the vaccines in this province - on the topic of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events/side-effects and deaths that have occurred since it was rolled out in our province (from September 8 2021 to September 7 2022). Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back:click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00393-HEA
cc) 2023-02298-HEA: Records on COVID-19 vaccinations by dose by month for 2022 and 2023. click here to download FOIPOP 2023-02298-HEA.
2023-02298-HEA: On November 2, 2023, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Records on COVID-19 vaccinations: - Total number of each shots given by dose by month for 2022 and 2023. (Date Range for Record Search: From 11/30/2021 To 11/01/2023) Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back:click here to download FOIPOP 2023-02298-HEA.
dd) 2024-00606-HEA: COVID-19 deaths, vaccine status of deaths, by age categories click here to download FOIPOP 2024-00606-HEA
2024-00606-HEA: On March 15, 2024, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: 2024-00606-HEA According to Vital Statistics, 66 people died of COVID-19 in 2020. Forty-five died of COVID-19 died in 2021. In 2022, the total number of deaths from COVID-19 is 475. I would like to request the following: 1) The total number of deaths classified as COVID-19 for 2023. 2) Records on the COVID-19 vaccine status of those who died with or from COVID-19 in 2021, 2022 and 2023 (separately by year) as per the following: a) no vaccines b) one vaccine c) two vaccines d) two vaccines + 1 booster e) two vaccines + 2 boosters f) two vaccines + 3 boosters g) two vaccines + 4 boosters h) two vaccines + 5 boosters. I am not sure how many boosters we are up to know but please include them all in the breakdown. 2) I would also like to receive records on the ages of deaths for 2020, 2021 and 2022 broken down into the following age brackets: a) under one year of age to 5 years old. b) 6-12 c) 13-20 d) 21-40 e) 41-60 f) 61-80 g) 81+ (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2019 To 12/30/2023) 4/15/2024 12:00:00 AM Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back:click here to download FOIPOP 2024-00606HEA.
6. Vaccination Passport/Proof of Vaccination
a) 2021-01584-PRE Vaccine Passport click here to download 2021-01584-PRE
2021-01584-PRE On August 23, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Premier: All information, reports, updates, correspondence, briefing and meeting notes that include the phrase "Scotia Pass" - "Vaccine Passport" - "Proof of Vaccination. Date range for record search: March 31, 2020 to August 30, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-01584-PRE. click here to download 2021-01584-PRE
b) 2021-01663-HEA: REcords that vaccine passport will keep us safeclick here to download 2021-01663-HEA
2021-01663-HEA On September 14, 2021, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: According to this article: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/nova-scotia-covid-19-vaccine-passport-1.6168189 FROM THE ARTICLE: "Strang said proof of vaccination will help keep communities safe, ensure children and youth can safely attend school, and protect the health-care system and its providers." All records that support this statement - that this is true - that proof of vaccination will keep communities safe, ensure children and youth can safely attend school, and protect the health care system and its providers. That proof of vaccination to enter such things as restaurants, bars, concerts, movies and fitness facilities provides safety against COVID-19. Date range for record search: April 1, 2021 to September 7, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-01663-HEA. click here to download 2021-01663-HEA
Notes from letter: After a file search, we have located no records responsive to your application. Therefore, it is my understanding, pursuant to clause 7(2)(b) of the Act, that Health and Wellness does not have custody or control of records which would respond to your application. I am unaware of a department or agency which would hold such records.
c) 2021-01858-PRE: Vaccine Exemptions click here to download 2021-01858-PRENO RECORDS
2021-01858-PRE: On October 7, 2021, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Premier's Office: All records on COVID-19 vaccine exemptions issued and provided by the province. This would include letters/memos/e-mails/correspondence etc that have been issued - including any that may have been issued to MLAs and other levels of government - stating that the vaccine is not mandatory. This would include Premier Tim Houston and previous premiers who would have issued such a letter to MLAs and other groups, organizations etc. in the province. (This is circulating around on social media - that MLAs - and municipal staff - can have an exemption - looking for information as to whether this is true or not) (Date Range for Record Search: From 11/30/2020 To 10/06/2021) click here to download 2021-01858-PRENO RECORDS
d) 2021-02260-SLTC Long Term Care Vaccination Status and Contingency Plansclick here to download 2021-02260-SLTC
2021-02260-SLTC: On September 14, 2021, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Seniors and Long Term Care:1.) All records submitted from the 133 long term care homes and facilities from throughout the province to Barbara Adams, the Minister of the Department and/or any other person appointed to receive such records on the topic of (a) vaccination rates, (b) the pandemic, (c) staffing and (d) facility concerns. 2. Report and or records on the "contingency plans for long term care homes" as mentioned in the media. (Date Range for Record Search: From 09/30/2021 To 12/05/2021) FEE ESTIMATE:$1,626.00. DIDN'T PROCEED. click here to download 2021-01663-HEA
click here to download 2021-02260-SLTC showing fee estimate.e) 2021-02261-HEA: CANImmunize Contract click here to download 2021-02261-HEA
2021-02261-HEA: On December 6, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Modified December 13th - The Contract between DHW and CANImmunize/Clinic Flow. Date range for record search: March 31, 2020 to December 5, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-02261-HEA. click here to download 2021-02261-HEA
f) 2022-00107-HEA: Gospel Light Baptist Church click here to download 2022-00107-HEA
2022-00107-HEA: On January 27, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: In this article:https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/nova-scotia-gospel-light-baptist-church-covid-outbreak-1.6250957 it states: “Three people have died in the past week of COVID-19 — one at a group home in Amherst and two at a long-term care home in Pugwash, N.S. — and the province has said those cases trace back to the Gospel Light event.” 1. I would like to request all records, reports, information, evidence, documentation, and proof - that supports this statement is true – that “three people died of COVID-19 and that “those cases (deaths) trace back to the Gospel Light event.” Please note – I do not want any identifying information. I am just seeking the body of evidence that support this statement by the province. 2. I would like to receive all reports and records that explain (a) the process taken to determine “community spread” (b) and the accuracy of “community spread”(c) the process taken to determine “contract tracing” (d) and the accuracy of contact tracing (in general and pertaining to this event). 3. Any record, briefing notes, e-mails, correspondence, report that was forwarded from Dr. Shelley Deeks, Nova Scotia's deputy chief medical officer and Dr. Robert Strang’s Public Health office to the Office of the Premier and vice versa concerning this event. The gathering took place from October 25 to 29 in Amherst. Date range for record search: October 24, 2021 to January 19, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-00107-HEA. Notes from Letter: You are not entitled to the records requested. We have withheld the information in this request according to subsection 5(2) of the Act. The severed information is exempt from disclosure under the Act for the following reason(s): • 4A (1) Conflict with Other Enactments o The Personal Health Information Act prevails over FOIPOP. This applies to the entirety of part 1 of your request, as well as the “pertaining to this event” portion of part 2. For the remainder of part 2, contact tracing and community spread are based on publicly available national and international guidance as well as published literature. For part 3 of the request, Dr Strang and Dr. Deeks had no written correspondence with the Office of the Premier concerning the event. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: click here to download 2022-00107-HEA
g) 2023-00079-PSC: Government Exemptions click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00079-PSC and the decision letter is here: click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00079-PSC decision letter.
2023-00079-PSC: On January 11, 2023, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Public Service Commission:All records on: 1) The total number of Government of Nova Scotia employees who requested an exemption 2) The total number of Government of Nova Scotia employees who were declined 3) For those declined, the recorded reason why they were declined without identifying information. 5) Record noting why those approved for an exemption were approved. 6) The record showing who, what organization, government department that devised or created the exemption criteria (where did it come from?) 7) The record showing the justifications for adopting it for Nova Scotia if it was from out of province. (Date Range for Record Search: From 10/31/2020 To 01/10/2023) (Date Range for Record Search: From 10/31/2020 To 1/10/2023)Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00079-PSC and the decision letter is here: click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00079-PSC decision letter.
7. Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)
a) 2021-01590-HEA Cases, Deaths, Vaccine Status, AEFIclick here to download FOIPOP 2021-01590-HEA
2021-01590-HEA On August 23, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Amended August 25, 2021: A breakdown of the following by week: 1. COVID-19 Cases a.) unvaccinated b.) partially vaccinated c.) fully vaccinated. 2. COVID-19 Deaths a.) unvaccinated b.) partially vaccinated c.) fully vaccinated 3. COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects Total number of Vaccines administered - partial and full a.) Number of Adverse Effects b.) Number of Mild COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects and what they were. For example sore arm, tired, headache etc d.) Number of Serious COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects (for example: no longer able to work, or function as they once did, requiring care) 4. Breakdown of Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Nova Scotia including numbers of individuals who have experienced the specific side effect. Date range for record search: December 14, 2020 to August 22, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-01590-HEA. click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01590-HEA
b) 2021-01821-HEA: AEFI sent to the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada, CAEFISS click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01821-HEA
click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01821-HEA Extention Letter click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01821-HEA Fee Estimateb) 2021-01821-HEA: On October 4, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: I would like copies of all records that are forwarded from Nova Scotia to the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System (CAEFISS) and Health Canada’s Canada Vigilance program that were used to create the following breakdown of information (see attached) (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/19/2020 To 9/30/2021) Amended November 19, 2021: November 19th to a breakdown of the reported adverse events in aggregated format rather than full AEFI. Date range for record search: December 19, 2020 to September 30, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-01821-HEA. Notes from letter: “We cannot grant your request. We are refusing access to the records for the following reasons: • Exclusions: The FOIPOP Act does not apply to the following kinds of information in the custody or control of a public body. This information is therefore excluded from the jurisdiction of the Act: o Section 4(2): published information, material available for purchase, court records, and material that is a matter of public record. Sent Form 7 to Review Office. Review Office ID: RO-2022-00012-HEA. Paid $550 but refused information at the end. Attached are Exhibits ___ which are a true copy of what I received back:
click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01821-HEA click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01821-HEA Extention Letter click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01821-HEA Fee Estimatec) 2021-01822-HEA: Deaths within 14 days of COVID-19 vaccine with a break down of ages click here to download 2021-01822-HEA
2021-01822-HEA On October 6, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: 1. Number of individuals in NS who died within 14 days* of a COVID-19 vaccine. *within 14 days of the 1st or 2nd dose whichever difference was lower broken down into the following age groups: 12-19 years of age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90+ 2. Number of individuals in NS who died as a result of a COVID-19 vaccine. 12-19 years of age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90+. Date range for record search: December 19, 2020 to October 3, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-01822-HEA. click here to download 2021-01822-HEA
d) NSHA 2022-182: Heart and Blood Clot Issues for 2018-2021(see links below)
NSHA 2021-182: On November 22, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: 1. Data/reports on number of visits to doctors due to and resulting in 1.) heart and 2.) blood clot issues for a.) the years 2018, 2019, 2020, and so far in 2021. and b.) Please include the following age categories: under one year to 4 5-11, 12-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90+. 3.) Reports, data, correspondence, e-mails on these topics, (heart and blood clot issues) in relation to the COVID-19 vaccine. Date range for record search: 2018, 2019, 2020 and so far in 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: NSHA 2022-182 along with IWK FOIPOP: Notes from letter: On February 10, 2022, we provided you with items 1 and 2. Please find a copy of the records located in response to your request for item 3.
b) click here to download Admission Data
c) click here to download Combined Files Redacted
d) click here to download ER Data
e) click here to download partial disclosure
f) click here to download partial disclosure
g) click here to download 'volume document'
e) 2022-00626-HEA: Cases, Vaccination Status of Deaths, Hospitalizations, Doses click here to download 2022-00626-HEA
2022-00626-HEA: On April 21, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Amended May 2, 2022: A breakdown of the following by month: 1. COVID-19 Cases broken down by month a) unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine b) unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine c) partially vaccinated d) fully vaccinated (Date range January 2022- April 2022) A breakdown of the following by month: 2. Vaccination Status of COVID-19 Deaths a) unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine b) unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine c) partially vaccinated d) fully vaccinated (Date range August 2021- April 2022) 3. All COVID-19 hospital visits, hospitalizations and ICU Hospitalizations broken down by month: a) unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine b) unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine c) partially vaccinated d) fully vaccinated (Date range August 2021- April 2022) 5. A continuation of Table 2, 3 and 4: a). Number of COVID-19 doses administered, by dose number and month (Date range January 2022- April 2022) b). Number of Adverse Events Following COVID-19 Immunization (Non-Serious, Serious and Total), by month (Date range August 2021- April 2022) c). Number of Adverse Events Following COVID-19 Immunization, by reaction type and month (Date range August 2021- April 2022) 6. Cumulative Data on the number of people who have experienced Serious Adverse Events who have a) died b) have a permanent disability c) incapacity d) required hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization (Total cumulative value as of April 19, 2022) (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2020 To 4/19/2022) Date range for record search: December 31, 2020/August 1, 2021/January 1, 2022 to April 19 & 30, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-00626-HEA. click here to download 2022-00626-HEA
f) 2022-01349-HEA: Emails to and from Dr.Robert Strang re: Adverse Events Following Immunization click here to download 2022-01349-HEA
2022-01349-HEA: On August 29, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Copies of all records such as correspondence (emails, and letters) reports and documents sent to/given to/ reported to/received by Dr. Robert Strang from doctors, pharmacies, medical officers, hospital administration, long term care and nursing home administration - on the topic of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events/side-effects and deaths that have occurred since it was rolled out in our province. This would include correspondence and reports on adverse events and deaths that are temporally associated with vaccine that have not been clearly attributed to other causes that Dr. Robert Strang has had in his possession. Date range for record search: December 7, 2020 to June 30, 2021 - first six months of the vaccine rollout. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-01349-HEA click here to download 2022-01349-HEA
g) 2022-02124-HEA: Reports to Strang on AEFI from June 7, 2021 - September 7, 2021 click here to download application letter requesting records
click here to download the response2022-02124-HEA: On December 22, 2022, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Copies of ALL records such as correspondence (emails, and letters), reports and documents, briefings sent to/given to/ reported to/received by Dr. Robert Strang from doctors, pharmacies, medical officers, hospital administration, long term care and nursing home administration and anyone else who was responsible for rolling out the vaccines in this province - on the topic of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events/side-effects and deaths that have occurred since it was rolled out in our province. This would include correspondence and reports on adverse events and deaths that are temporally associated with vaccine that have not been clearly attributed to other causes that Dr. Robert Strang, Shelley Deeks, and the Minister have had in their possession. (Date Range for Record Search: amended to June 7, 2021 to September 7, 2021) click here to download application letter requesting records
h) 2022-02125-HEA: Clarification on "Cleaning the Data" in AEFI reportsclick here to download FOIPOP 2022-02125-HEA
2022-02125-HEA: On January 16, 2023, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness:Modified Jan 16, 23 1) All records including emails and discussions on "cleaning" of AEFI data. 2) All records on the a) process of cleaning of AEFI data b) all manuals that the DHW staff are following to clean the data. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/15/2020 To 12/21/2022)Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: click here to download FOIPOP 2022-02125-HEA
i) 2023-00191-HEA: AEFI Recieved by Dr. Robert Strang from September 7 - December 7, 2022: NO RECORDS
click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00191-HEA Letter re: no records2023-00191-HEA: On January 25, 2023, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Copies of ALL records such as correspondence (emails, and letters), reports and documents, briefings sent to/given to/ reported to/received by Dr. Robert Strang from doctors, pharmacies, medical officers, hospital administration, long term care and nursing home administration and anyone else who was responsible for rolling out the vaccines in this province - on the topic of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events/side-effects and deaths that have occurred since it was rolled out in our province. This would include correspondence and reports on adverse events and deaths that are temporally associated with vaccine that have not been clearly attributed to other causes that Dr. Robert Strang has in his possession. (Date Range for Record Search: From 9/7/2022 To 12/7/2022)Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back:click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00191-HEA Letter re: no records
j) 2023-00192-PRE: AEFI reported to Premier from Dr. Robert Strang click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00192-PRE
2023-00192-PRE: On January 25, 2023, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Office of the Premier: Copies of all records such as correspondence (emails, and letters), reports and documents, briefings sent to/given to/ reported to/received by the Premier's Office from Dr. Robert Strang, doctors, pharmacies, medical officers, hospital administration, long term care and nursing home administration and anyone else who was responsible for rolling out the vaccines in this province - on the topic of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events/side-effects and deaths that have occurred since it was rolled out in our province. This would include correspondence and reports on adverse events and deaths that are temporally associated with vaccine that have not been clearly attributed to other causes in the custody or control of the Office of the Premier. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/15/2020 To 01/23/2023) (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/15/2020 To 1/23/2023) Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back:click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00192-PRE
k) 2023-00257-HEA: Update on AEFI click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00257-HEA and click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00257- HEA
2023-00257-HEA: On February 9, 2023, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: I would like to request the records for the following: 4. Adverse Events have not been updated on the COVID-19 Adverse Events Website since September 30, 2022. The website claims that they will be posting monthly. I've emailed the department requesting when an update would be issued and received no response. Therefore I would like to ask for AEFI records to include by month: a) Serious b) Non Serious c) Allergic Reactions d) Neurological Reactions e) Blood Clotting Disorders f) Myocarditis/Pericarditis Updated as of February 8, 2023 5. Cumulative outcomes among Nova Scotians, medical officers, physicians etc., reporting serious adverse events following COVID-19 Immunizations including: a) Recovered b) Not Yet Recovered c) Permanent Disability/Incapacity d) Death Up to February 8, 2023. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00257-HEA
click here to download FOIPOP 2023-00257-HEANOTES: 290 Recovered 348 Not Yet Recovered 7 Permanent Disability 15 Deaths
l) THE FOLLOWING WERE TRANSFERRED TO THE NOVA SCOTIA HEALTH AUTHORITY WHERE THEY WANTED $1000-$3000 FOR THE FOI RESPONSE AND THEREFORE DIDN'T PROCEED - 2023-00344-HEA: Reports of AEFI to Dr. Jennifer Cram; 2023-00346-HEA: Reports of AEFI to Dr. Ryan Sommers; 2023-00347-HEA: Reports of AEFI to Dr. Brown; 2023-00348-HEA: Reports of AEFI to Dr. Jesse Kancir; 2023-00349-HEA: Reports of AEFI to Maureen Carew. (I was trying to get the full scale of the AEFI)
m) 2023-00345-HEA: Reports of AEFI to Dr. Shelley Deeks who is under Dr. Robert Strang. 93 pages. click here to download application letter requesting records
click here to download the response2023-00345-HEA: On February 27, 2023, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: All emails, records, reports, and correspondence sent and received by Dr. Shelley Deeks, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health, on the topic of people who had Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) after receiving any of the COVID-19 vaccines. (no personal identifying information.) (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/15/2020 To 02/26/2023) Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: click here to download application letter requesting records
click here to download the responseNOTES: Very disturbing to read the Adverse Events and know that these people continued on with the shots for a so called virus that had a 99.6% recovery and those who died were basically terminal.
n) 2023-00393-HEA: Reports of AEFI to Dr. Robert Strang September 8, 2021 to September 7, 2022click here to download the response
2023-00393-HEA: On March 6, 2023 2023, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Modified March 27 Copies of ALL records such as correspondence (emails, and letters), reports and documents, briefings sent to/given to/reported to/received by Dr. Robert Strang from doctors, pharmacies, medical officers, hospital administration, long term care and nursing home administration and anyone else who was responsible for rolling out the vaccines in this province - on the topic of COVID-19 vaccine adverse events/side-effects and deaths that have occurred since it was rolled out in our province (from September 8 2021 to September 7 2022). Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: click here to download the response
NOTES: Page 65 Dr. Robert Strang replies to an email from Dr. Shelley Deeks that "There is nothing unusual here" upon being sent an AEFI report showing people had very serious reactions including a pulmonary embolism/stroke, neurological illness, Myocarditis, Deep Vein Thrombosis/Pulmonary embolism.2024-00653-HEA (IN PROCESS) On _____ I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: All records including emails, correspondence, reports on Adverse Events Following Immunization with the COVID-19 vaccines for 2023 sent to and received by top Public Health Branch officials. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2022 To 12/30/2023) DUE: 4/22/2024 EXTENSION?
8. Freedom of Information Responses involving Money Spent on COVID-19
a) 2021-01571-HEA: Financial information on Cost of the Pandemic click here to download 2021-01571-HEA
2021-01571-HEA: On August 19, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Amended August 25, 2021: Record showing a detailed financial statement regarding the total breakdown of the costs of the pandemic. Date range for record search: January 31, 2020 to August 19, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-01571-HEA. click here to download 2021-01571-HEA
b) 2022-00084-EDU: Grants to Teachers Unions click here to download 2022-00084-EDU
2022-00084-EDU: On January 19, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development: All records and data showing financial payouts/monetary contributions, from any department to the Nova Scotia Teachers Union and reasons for the money. (Are they funded by the government in any way?) Please include if there has been any money given to them specifically for COVID-19, the amount and description. If the NSTU has to provide financial statements to a department, I would like to request a copy of those as well for 2019, 2020, and 2021. I am guessing that the Education Department would be the department that I would apply to for this information but if I am wrong, would you please forward this request to the proper department. Date range for record search: December 31, 2019 to January 18, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-00084-EDU Notes from response letter: After a file search, we have located no records responsive to your application. Therefore, it is my understanding, pursuant to clause 7(2)(b) of the Act, that Education and Early Childhood Development does not have custody or control of records which would respond to your application. The Department does not support the NSTU with operating funds and the NSTU does not provide financial statements to the Department. I am unaware of a department or agency which would hold such records. click here to download 2022-00084-EDU
c) 2022-00085-EDU: Monies given to School Boardsclick here to download 2022-00085-EDU
2022-00085-EDU On January 25, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development: All records that show monies that have been given to school boards for all aspects of the pandemic. That would include but is not limited to masks, on-line learning, any monies received to lecture students about vaccines, COVID, testing, etc. Date range for record search: December 31, 2019 to January 18, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-00085-EDU.
Notes from response letter: You are entitled to part of the records requested; however, we have removed some of the information from this record according to subsection 5(2) of the Act. The severed information is exempt from disclosure under the Act for the following reason: •Section 14: advice by or for a public body or minister. 14(1): The head of a public body may refuse to disclose to an applicant information that would reveal advice, recommendations or draft regulations developed by or for a public body or a minister. click here to download 2022-00085-EDU
d) 2022-00105-HEA: Payments to LTC, hospitals, doctors for COVID-19 testing and treatment protocolsclick here to download 2022-00105-HEA
2022-00105-HEA: On January 21, 2022, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Records that shows the details on whether long term care facilities, nursing homes, hospitals and/or doctors get paid money for 1.) COVID-19 testing 2.) money for taking care of a COVID-19 patient 3.) money for a COVID death 4.) money for administering a COVID treatment protocol 5.) money for putting patients on a ventilator 6.) money for administering vaccines. If this is not the proper department for this request, please forward it to the proper department. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2019 To 01/19/2022)click here to download 2022-00105-HEA
e) 2022-00106-HEA: All payments made to pharmacies in NS for administering the vaccines click here to download 2022-00106-HEA
d) 2022-00106-HEA: On January 21, 2022, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: Amended January 26, 2022: All monetary distributions/payments to all pharmacies in NS for administering COVID-19 vaccines. Not including any staff salaries. All monetary distributions/payments to all pharmacies in NS for administering COVID-19 PCR tests. Not including any staff salaries. Date range for record search: December 20, 2020 to January 20, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-00106-HEA. 14 pages. Notes from response letter: “Pharmacies are not being paid by the province for administering PCR tests. The only testing taking place in pharmacies is rapid testing and this service is being provided on a fee basis: Pharmacy COVID Testing | Pharmacy Association of Nova Scotia (pans.ns.ca)” click here to download 2022-00106-HEA
f) 2022-01498-JUS: Money to protect Dr. Robert Strang click here to download 2022-01498-JUS
2022-01498-JUS: On January 21, 2022, I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Justice: The cost, if a security firm was hired to protect Dr Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2019 To 9/7/2022)Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back:click here to download 2022-01498-JUS
g) 2022-00173-FTB: Monies from Federal Government click here to download 2022-00173-FTB
2022-00173-FTB: On January 31, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Finance and Treasury Board: In this mandate letter (link below) from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to the Federal Health Minister Duclos (link above) it states, "I ask that you achieve results for Canadians by delivering the following commitments: Launching a COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination Fund to support provinces and territories who implement a requirement for proof of vaccine credentials in their jurisdiction for non-essential businesses and public spaces." I would like to receive all records, briefing notes, e-mails, correspondence, fund details, a copy of the application etc., involving any monies received from this fund from the federal government to any department in the province of Nova Scotia. I'm not sure if I have applied to the correct department. If not, would you please forward the request on my behalf. Thank you. Date range for record search: July 31, 2020 to January 30, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-00173-FTB. Notes from response letter: After a file search, we have located no records responsive to your application. Therefore, it is my understanding, pursuant to clause 7(2)(b) of the Act, that Finance and Treasury Board does not have custody or control of records which would respond to your application. I am unaware of a department or agency which would hold such records. click here to download 2022-00173-FTB
Federal Minister of Health Mandate LetterNSHA 2022-183: Funding NSHA received from pharmaceutical companies click here to download NSHA 2022-183
b) NSHA 2022-183 On November 22, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Nova Scotia Health Authority: Funding NSHA received from pharmaceutical companies Application date: November 22, 2021 - Date range: 2019, 2020, 2021 Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: NSHA 2022-183 click here to download NSHA 2022-183
2022-01411-HEA Money Received by Dr. Robert Strang (denied but learned they were supposed to provide that information), cost of security firm to protect him
9. Involving the Premier’s Office
2022-01410-PRE: Wanted to know if Premier had the "Pfizer Dump" from Judge in USA
2022-01565-PRE: Scientific data submitted from public/doctors to Premier's Office on restrictions click here to download 2021-01565-PRE
a) 2021-01565-PRE On August 16, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Premier: Correspondence submitted from the general public (including doctors) to Premier Iain Rankin and previous Premier Stephen McNeil limited to scientific data and studies related to COVID restrictions. Date range for record search: July 15, 2020 to August 16, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-01565-PRE. It is interesting that the studies that I sent to the Premier’s office are not in this reply. click here to download 2021-01565-PRE
2021-01584-PRE: All records on Proof of Vaccination click here to download 2021-01584-PRE
2021-01584-PRE On August 23, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Premier: All information, reports, updates, correspondence, briefing and meeting notes that include the phrase "Scotia Pass" - "Vaccine Passport" - "Proof of Vaccination." Date range for record search: March 31, 2020 to August 30, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-01584-PRE. Comments made in response letter: You are entitled to part of the records requested. However, we have removed some of the information from this record according to subsection 5(2) of the Act. The severed information is exempt from disclosure under the Act for the following reasons: •Section 20: unreasonable invasion of personal privacy. o20 (1) The head of a public body shall refuse to disclose personal information to an applicant if the disclosure would be an unreasonable invasion of a third party’s personal privacy. In addition, certain information was excluded from the FOIPOP Act, per section 4, and has not been provided: •4(2) (a), Act does not apply to published material or material that is available for purchase by the public •4(2)(e), Act does not apply to a record that is created by or is in the custody of the Conflict of Interest Commissioner appointed pursuant to the Conflict of Interest Act, the Ombudsman or the Review Officer and that relates to the exercise of that person’s functions pursuant to an enactment. My comment: In my opinion the response is deliberately off topic. click here to download 2021-01584-PRE
2021-01858-PRE: Vaccine exemptions issued by the province click here to download 2021-01858-PRE
2021-01858-PRE: On October 7, 2021 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Premier: Any and all records on COVID-19 vaccine exemptions issued and provided by the province. This would include letters/memos/e-mails/correspondence etc that have been issued - including any that may have been issued to MLAs and other levels of government - stating that the vaccine is not mandatory. This would include Premier Tim Houston and previous premiers who would have issued such a letter to MLAs and other groups, organizations etc. in the province. (This is circulating around on social media - that MLAs - and municipal staff - can have an exemption – looking for information as to whether this is true or not) Date range for record search: November 30, 2020 to October 6, 2021. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2021-01858-PRE. Comments in response letter: After a file search, we have located no records responsive to your application. Therefore, it is my understanding, pursuant to clause 7(2) (b) of the Act, that Office of the Premier does not have custody or control of records which would respond to your application. I am unaware of a department or agency which would hold such records. My comments: It came out just a few days prior that judges in the province were not required to be vaccinated. click here to download 2021-01858-PRE
2022-00107-HEA: Gospel Light Baptist Church click here to download 2022-00107-HEA
2022-00107-HEA: On January 27, 2022 I applied for the following FOIPOP information from the Department of Health and Wellness: In this article:https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/nova-scotia-gospel-light-baptist-church-covid-outbreak-1.6250957 it states: “Three people have died in the past week of COVID-19 — one at a group home in Amherst and two at a long-term care home in Pugwash, N.S. — and the province has said those cases trace back to the Gospel Light event.” 1. I would like to request all records, reports, information, evidence, documentation, and proof - that supports this statement is true – that “three people died of COVID-19 and that “those cases (deaths) trace back to the Gospel Light event.” Please note – I do not want any identifying information. I am just seeking the body of evidence that support this statement by the province. 2. I would like to receive all reports and records that explain (a) the process taken to determine “community spread” (b) and the accuracy of “community spread”(c) the process taken to determine “contract tracing” (d) and the accuracy of contact tracing (in general and pertaining to this event). 3. Any record, briefing notes, e-mails, correspondence, report that was forwarded from Dr. Shelley Deeks, Nova Scotia's deputy chief medical officer and Dr. Robert Strang’s Public Health office to the Office of the Premier and vice versa concerning this event. The gathering took place from October 25 to 29 in Amherst. Date range for record search: October 24, 2021 to January 19, 2022. Attached as Exhibit ___ is a true copy of what I received back: 2022-00107-HEA. Comments from response letter: You are not entitled to the information you requested – 2022-00107-HEA. You are not entitled to the records requested. We have withheld the information in this request according to subsection 5(2) of the Act. The severed information is exempt from disclosure under the Act for the following reason(s): • 4 A(1) Conflict with Other Enactments o The Personal H ealth Information Act prevails over FOIPOP. This applies to the entirety of part 1 of your request, as well as the “pertaining to this event” portion of part 2. For the remainder of part 2, contact tracing and community spread are based on publicly available national and international guidance as well as published literature. For part 3 of the request, Dr Strang and Dr Deeks had no written correspondence with the Office of the Premier concerning the event. click here to download 2022-00107-HEA
2023-00192-PRE: Records from Dr.Robert Strang to Premier's Office on AEFI From December 15, 2020 to January 23, 2023
10. State of Emergency
2021-01566-HEA State of Emergency
2021-01649-MUN: Renewel State of Emergency
Letter with Fee Estimate $1,691 2021-01649-HEA2022-00037-MAH: Records of State of Emergency Meetings NO RECORD AFTER FILE SEARCH click here to download 2022-00037-MAH
a) 2021-00037-MAH: On January 27, 2022 I applied the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing: All “records of meetings that were held to discuss the ongoing state of emergency and associated documents”. (Date Range for Record Search: From 07/31/2021 To 01/06/2022) I believe I had the wrong department. NO RECORD AFTER FILE SEARCH click here to download 2022-00037-MAH
11. NSHA FOI Dumps on COVID-19
The Nova Scotia Health Authority is not required to post FOIPOP responses on-line or publically so I did a FOI and requested all previous FOIPOPs done on COVID-19 from the NSHA in order to see FOIs done by other people.2176 pages from the Nova Scotia Health Authority on such things as: Cycle Threshold of the PCR test p6; virus squencing p15... click here to download
1935 pages from the Nova Scotia Health Authority on such things as: surgery cancellations, Ivermectin and Dr.Lisa Barrett, Purchases, Inserts to PCR tests... click here to download
Includes what Staff were given about Vaccines. Very disturbing to scan through this when you know the truth. It contains so many lies.
click here to downloadOther
2022-01838-JUS CANS JR Document
2022-01797-HEA World Economic Forum Health Consulting Agreement
2023-00350-HEA MSI Contract
2023-00080-IGA Nomination Information on Dr.Robert Strang
============================================================================2024-00894-SNSIS (ASSIGNED FOR PROCESSING) I would like to request the following: Records on excess deaths/mortality (the estimated/ expected deaths and actual number of deaths) for each year that it has been provided to and recorded by Vital Statistics up to 2022 or 2023 if it has been completed. This information may have been provided by Stats Can to the Vital Statistics Branch. DUE: 5/22/2024
2024-00837-SNSIS (ASSIGNED FOR PROCESSING) I would like to receive records showing the number of deaths for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 broken down in the following age brackets: First born to 12 years old 13 - 19 20 - 29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90+ (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2015 To 12/30/2023) DUE: 5/15/2024
2024-00836-SNSIS (IN PROGRESS) I would like to request records that provide the total number of deaths broken down per month for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2014 To 12/30/2023) DUE:5/15/2024
2024-00607-HEA (IN PROGRESS) As per this CBC news article dated June 2023... https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/nova-scotia -excess-mortality-statistics-canada-1.6873755 It states: Excess mortality — or deaths above what would be normally anticipated — is a signal to public health officials that something concerning is happening and needs to be addressed. Therefore, I would like to request all records within the Public Health Branch that address excess deaths/mortality in Nova Scotia in 2022. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2021 To 12/30/2022) DUE: 4/15/2024 Requested an extension.
I testifed under oath at the National Citizens Inquiry on the Freedom of Information responses received directly from the government of Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness, and the Nova Scotia Health Authority.
Their words: "Shelly's testimony at the NCI hearings was nothing short of groundbreaking. She meticulously unearthed shocking revelations from her extensive research, delving into data obtained through Freedom of Information requests from the government of Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness, and the Nova Scotia Health Authority."
Link is here to listen to the interview""The Power of FOI" with Manitoba Stronger Together on Tuesday April 2, 2024, which exposes the lies, deceit within the system and unravels the truth behind the Covid-19 "plandemic" in Nova Scotia.
Link is here to listen to the interview"Interview with Jeff Evely
Myself and and Paul Westhaver, discuss the fight to restore transparency and accountability to our governments.
Link is here to listen to the interview"Good energy vibes and a balance beautiful message from Shelly Hipson
Link is here to listen to the interview"INTERVIEW WITH IRONWILL
In this interview I highlight the Nova Scotia government data that supports the fact that there was no pandemic in Nova Scotia. This is THEIR data. Their statistics. Their information. Not mine - theirs.
Thank you so much Chris for the opportunity to share 'Truth' - their data - their information - with your listeners.
I covered FOI information from the Nova Scotia Government.
Link is here to listen to the interview"INTERVIEW ON "LAURA-LYNN LIVE"
Laura-Lynn hosts "Laura-Lynn Live," a daily online-broadcast, bringing attention to current news and politics. She believes it’s time to rise with courage."We covered FOI data that I have gathered on Nova Scotia.
Click here to watch!5. NEWS ARTICLES & PUBLICATIONS
Are Nova Scotians getting the full story on COVID Vaccine Safety
'The Quaking Swamp Journal'on April 8th, 2022.
Pushing Back the Hospital Curtain - Data obtained through Freedom of Information show that SARS-CoV-2 was directly responsible for a tiny fraction of hospital stays in Nova Scotia, so why did it threaten to overwhelm the system?
Link is here.2nd Smartest Guy in the World: "A FOIA request came in for Nova Scotia -Here is what it showed."
Rebel News:
Nova Scotia releases COVID Comorbidity Stats"
Nova Scotia FOI: No Real Increase In Deaths Due To “Pandemic” Nova Scotia FOI Shows Province Has No Evidence “Asymptomatic Spreading” Even Exists Nova Scotia FOI: More Deaths As Vaccination Numbers Climb Nova Scotia FOI Response Tacitly Admits There Is No Wave Of Hospitalizations Nova Scotia FOI Result: Province Refuses To Turn Over Data/Studies Justifying Masks In Schools More FOI Requests From Nova Scotia, Trying To Get Answers On This “Pandemic” Nova Scotia FOI Request Shows Province REDUCED ICU Capacity In Recent Years Nova Scotia FOI: Province Refuses To Turn Over Contract With CANImmunize/Clinic Flow Nova Scotia FOI: $19.1 Million Spent On “Vaccines”, Questions About PCR Testing Companies Another Data Dump on Cases Vaxx RatesNOT MY FOIPOP BUT CONTAINS IMPORTANT DATA:
Nova Scotia FOI Government Data on Deaths by Age and Vaxx Status
Link to an article by CBC, "Nova Scotia tight-lipped about spike in deaths," dated March 7, 2023.
Link to an article by CBC, "Nova Scotia tight-lipped about spike in deaths," dated March 7, 2023. They don't know why...but we know why.
Nova Scotia tight lipped about spike in deaths" --------------------------------------------------------------------------One of the most disturbing Freedom of Information response that I have received is this one: 2022-01349-HEA.
The response confirms that while Dr. Robert Strang was making his ORDERS under the Health Protection Act - and no one questioned him - not one person in the media - not one person that I know of in health care - not one MLA or the Premier would stand in his way...his staff, other Medical Officers around the province, wrote to him stating that people had experienced severe allergic reactions on December 23, 2020 and one of them was instructed to take the second dose. A woman died after getting the Moderna vaccine in Long Term Care on January 28, 2021. Another had a stroke on April 15, 2021. Then a male had a neurological reaction/encephalopathy. Another person on June 1, 2021 suffers from Vaccine Induced Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT).How is it possible that the person put in charge, the Chief Medical Officer - knowing this - continued to demand that people get the vaccine? He and the premier were determined to have 85% of the population of Nova Scotia injected with a "warp speed" vaccine to stop a virus that had a 99.5% recovery. If they didn't get injected, Health Care workers would have to go on unpaid leave.
That man got up every day - dress up in a suit - got in front of the camera and said...that these were "safe and effective" - knowing that people were injured and died. (This should not be a surprise - vaccinated people died in the trials. Did Strang even read the monograph? Or was he just a puppet for big pharma.)
How is it that he felt that it was right to prohibit kids from playing sports unless they were injected with this? Based on Nova Scotia numbers it had a 99.5% recovery in our province!
Throughout the response to this request are "Media Lines on Some Vaccine issues for you" that Strang receives from the Public Health Agency of Canada and sends on to Communications Nova Scotia. These "lines" are sent to people like Dr. Robert Strang, Dr. Teresa Tam, Deena Hinshaw, Bonnie Henry etc. to tell everyone what to say. Also in these "media lines" we learn that in January 2021 the PHAC did not know if it would stop transmission. See for yourself here: click here to download 2022-01349-HEA request letter to DHW click here to download 2022-01349-HEA response ________________________________________________--CITIZENS ALLIANCE OF NOVA SCOTIA (CANS) REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL REVIEW - RECORD PROVIDED BY THE PROVINCE
I would like to congratulate CANS for their determination and dedication to the people of our province as they bravely wade through the court system and request a judicial review.
In the Health Protection Act it states in Section 32 the following: Powers respecting communicable diseases 32 (1) Where a medical officer is of the opinion, upon reasonable and probable grounds, that (a) a communicable disease exists or may exist or that there is an immediate risk of an outbreak of a communicable disease; (b) the communicable disease presents a risk to the public health; and (c) the requirements specified in the order are necessary in order to decrease or eliminate the risk to the public health presented by the communicable disease, the medical officer may by written order require a person to take or to refrain from taking any action that is specified in the order in respect of a communicable disease.
On our behalf they are asking the courts to look at whether Dr. Robert Strang worked within his powers under the Act or overstepped the authority that he was given. Was he justified?
I certainly have my opinion. There were people who were arrested for being outside. People were not to walk on a beach. They provided information that was out of context, there was pain and suffering, closures, isolation, loss of family, loss of friends, loss of employment, injuries and loss of life from the vaccines, loss of life from not getting timely life-saving surgeries, the inability to play sports, go to restaurants, attend church services, funerals, the inability to see loved ones before they died...all for a 'virus' with a 99.57% recovery rate in NS. There is something very wrong with this picture and I'm sure very pleased that we have some brave souls questioning this matter. You can click here to see the links to the record that the province provided the court. Thank you CANS.
1. What Houston and Strang AREN'T Telling you about COVID-19 in Nova Scotia. (7 Minutes)
This video below captures the total ICU admissions in Nova Scotia for all causes and the FACT that only 0.94% of ICU hospitalizations were COVID-19 up to July 31, 2021; the total number of deaths in NS and the FACT that 0.65% were COVID. It takes us through the FACT that Nova Scotia had the lowest ICU admissions in 2020 and in April 2021 the NSHA reduced the number of ICU beds by four which is a reduction of 1,100 stays. There is data on the serious adverse events from the vaccine which may explain why some people don’t want to take it.
Link is here.2. COVID-19 in Nova Scotia: Behind the Scenes. (15 Minutes.)
This video provides context and background to what has been announced to the public for the past two years. It includes the number of tests, number of negatives, number of cases, number of COVID hospitalizations and ICUs per hospital in N.S., 25% of cases were asymptomatic and the fact that not one asymptomatic person has died from COVID. There is no record that a positive asymptomatic COVID-19 case has spread to another Nova Scotian. Also included are the minute notes on why COVID-19 treatments such as Ivermectin and Bamlanivimab not being permitted for use in N.S. YES there are treatments...(and you do have what people refer to as an immune system)...but public health forgot that point for the past two years. (15 minutes)
Link is here.3. Nova Scotia Adds "Blood Clotting Disorder" to TOP 10 Reported Adverse Events to the COVID-19 Vaccine.
This video shows us that on September 30th, 2022 the Nova Scotia government added "Blood Clotting Disorder" to the TOP 10 reported adverse events following immunization with the COVID-19 vaccine.
Click here to watch video explaining data.4. Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness Epidemiologist use Creative Calculations to Scare People.
In the Nova Scotia Monthly COVID-19 Epidemiologic Summary dated August 24, 2022 it states that "Unvaccinated Nova Scotians were hospitalized at nearly four times the rate and died more than three times the rate as those with three or more doses." --- The key here is that they did NOT compare the unvaccinated with the vaccinated, but chose to compare the unvaccinated with only those with three or more doses. I'll walk you through this FOIPOP data confirming this.
Click here to learn more.5. The Most COVID-19 Hospitalizations are in 2022 - NOT 2020 or 2021. What's going on Folks? (12 minutes)
I'll walk you through information from four FOIPOPs which show that something weird is happening in Nova Scotia and there is silence from authorities in health care, the media, and our politicians. Is there any wonder?
Click here to learn more. -------------------------------------------------The Freedom of Information responses are sited under the following 12 topics:
1. Masks and Lockdowns
2. COVID-19 PCR Testing
3. Hospitalizations
4. Comorbidities, NS Data on Deaths & Natural Immunity Information
5. Vaccination Information
6. Vaccination Passport/Proof of Vaccination
7. Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)
8. Freedom of Information Responses involving money spent for COVID-19
9. Data on Deaths in Nova Scotia
10. Involving the Premier’s Office
11. State of Emergency
12. NSHA Freedom of Information Dumps (I requested all previous FOIPOPs done on COVID-19 to the NSHA)
Explanation of assigned Freedom of Information numbers: FOI = Freedom of Information; HEA = Department of Health and Wellness; PRE= Premier’s Office; EDU= Department of Education; SNSIS = Service Nova Scotia and Internal Services
The Nova Scotia Health Authority does not have to post any of their FOIPOPs on-line. So I must say - I had a 'lightbulb moment' to do a FOIPOP in order to receive all the FOIPOPs on COVID-19. It's over 1900 pages and covers a number of significant topics including: the number of cancelled services which included 32,540 diagnostic imaging, 3,263 MRIs, 4,998 CT scans, 6,512 ultrasounds, 3,097 x-rays, 1,141 EKGs, 449 Eccho, 2,776 Mammo, 8,210 breast screening, 3,213 surgical cancellations in 2020); a result of this 33 people died because they needed life saving surgeries in a timely manner and the hospitals were closed down; the inserts to the rapid tests which indicate to me that a positive result means that it could be a co-infection, a bacterial infection or COVID-19 - the way it is written, it can't tell the difference between the three; Dr. Lisa Barrett advocating and doing presentations to NOT allow the use of Ivermectin; minutes on other treatments that they blocked from use and "kept" for a research study instead of using it to save lives; the Nova Scotia Health Authority pamphlet on COVID-19 states that it is pneumonia.(Did you ever hear Strang say that it was pneumonia?) It also shows an e-mail back and forth that shows that even though people at Northwood (a long term care facility in Halifax that had 53 of the 65 deaths in 2020)... were at the end of life they were instructed to mark them down as COVID-19 deaths. Why would they do this? To create fake numbers and drive up the fear? Click here to view this information.1. FOIPOP 2021-01108-HEA click here to download.
All scientific data, correspondence and studies that justify/support the government's actions 1) to lockdown and restrict the freedom of movement of Nova Scotians and 2) the wearing of face masks reduce the spread of COVID-19 held by staff within any program, branch or office in the Department that has been workin on the development and implementation of COVID-19 government restrictions as outlined above. Date: 3/1/2020 to 6/3/2021.
2. FOIPOP 2021-01142-HEA click here to download.
I would like to learn the comorbidity data that the people had who died 'with' or 'from' COVID-19 including ages, sex, etc., Any information or studies/data that has been gathered on those who have died of COVID-19 in Nova Scotia.
NOTES:(From March 1, 2020 to June 17, 2021)
Table 1 tells us that 86.7% were over the age of 65.
Table 3 tells us that 60% had cardiac disorders, 54.4% had neurological conditions, 21% had diabetes, 18.9% had pulmonary disorders, 11% had chronic renal disorders, 6.7% had cancer, 5.6% had immunocompromised conditions.
On page 1 PLEASE NOTE that a deceased case can be PROBABLE or confirmed and the death can result from a CLINICALLY COMPATIBLE ILLNESS. It does NOT have to be the cause of death but can be a contributing factor.
3. 2021-01201-HEA click here to download 2021-01201-HEA
All scientific data, correspondence, studies, final briefing notes, risk-benefit analysis that justify and or support the government’s actions and decision-making that masking children in schools is necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19 that are held by Dr. Strang Chief Medical Officer of Health. (Date Range for Record Search: From 02/29/2020 To 06/21/2021) (Date Range for Record Search: From 2/29/2020 To 6/21/2021)
I filed a complaint on the lack of response. I asked for the records that are held by Dr. Strang Chief Medical Officer...not by the WHO or the PHAC. The number assigned to the complaint is RO-2021-00093-HEA Complaint Details: Date Requested 09/09/2021 - Estimate Delivery Date 09/19/2023 - Status is "Assigned for Processing"4. 2021-01566-HEA (DIDN'T PROCESS.)
Amended August 31, 2021: All data, records, e-mails, correspondence, minutes of meetings, justifications around the call for a State of Emergency as well as discussion etc., that mention the renewals of the on-going state of emergency held by Dr. Strang and Public Health. Date range April 1, 2021 to August 16, 2021.
5. 2021-01571-HEA click here to download 2021-01571-HEA
Amended August 25, 2021: Record showing a detailed financial statement regarding the total breakdown of the costs of the pandemic. (Date Range for Record Search: From 1/31/2020 To 8/17/2021)
7. 2021-01575-HEA click here to download 2021-01575-HEA
Amended September 8, 2021: Records that show, 1. Definition of a COVID-19 case that is used in Nova Scotia. 2. Please provide any and all reports from the start of the pandemic on how COVID-19 death were determined. 3. Report on COVID-19 deaths that were probable or from clinically compatible illness 4. Information/data that has been gathered as a result of COVID-19 testing: a. Total number of COVID-19 tests done monthly for 2020 and so far in 2021, Please provide: Number that were positive: For the positive cases, please include how many were: Confirmed,Probable,Symptomatic,Asymptomatic Number that were negative: Total number of COVID-19 deaths: Determined by PCR test,Determined by a public health authority, a coroner using their discretion, autopsy How many of the deaths were tested and symptomatic, asymptomatic, confirmed. Any record that identifies data that shows that the only illness they had was COVID-19 and it was the true cause of death (they did not die because they were at the end of life and they did not have any other serious illness – for example, they were young, healthy, and died of COVID-19 only) (Date Range for Record Search: From 3/22/2020 To 8/19/2021)
8. FOIPOP 2021-01590-HEA click here to download FOIPOP 2021-01590-HEA.
A breakdown of the following by week: 1. COVID-19 Cases a.) unvaccinated b.) partially vaccinated c.) fully vaccinated. 2. COVID-19 Deaths a.) unvaccinated b.) partially vaccinated c.) fully vaccinated 3. COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects Total number of Vaccines administered - partial and full a.) Number of Adverse Effects b.) Number of Mild COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects and what they were. For example sore arm, tired, headache etc d.) Number of Serious COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Effects (for example: no longer able to work, or function as they once did, requiring care) 4. Breakdown of Reported side effects following COVID-19 vaccination in Nova Scotia including numbers of individuals who have experienced the specific side effect.- (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/14/2020 To 8/22/2021)
Chronicle Herald Coverage: Are Nova Scotians getting the full story on COVID Vaccine Safety
The NS Department of Health and Wellness provided me with the definitions of a "deceased case" and "vaccine status." They are as follows:
Deceased case: "A probable or confirmed COVID-19 case whose death resulted from a clinically compatible illness , unless there is a clear alternative cause of death identified (e.g., trauma, poisoning, drug overdose)." "A death due to COVID-19 may be attributed when COVID-19 is the cause of death or is a contributing factor. "
Vaccine status is defined as follows: "Unvaccinated: Individuals meeting the national confirmed case definition of COVID-19 and having illness onset: <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine or after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine."
So a deceased case can be probable and from a clinically compatible illness. It does not have to be confirmed. Interesting. They also lumped together those with NO SHOTS with those who have had one dose. Why did they decide to do that I wonder. So when they report that the unvaccinated are taking up hospital beds is it infact those who have had one shot?
Table 1: I learned that in 245 days, from December 13, 2020 to August 15, 2021 there were 4,555 cases and 29 deaths. Basic math tells us that 0.63% died who "got COVID." Less than 1%. 99.37% lived.(FOIPOP 2021-01142 above tells us the comorbidities that people had when they blamed it 100% on COVID-19. Those who died in 2020 were very sick and 82% died in Northwood. One facility.)
From Table 2: By week, from December 14, 2020 to August 22, 2021 - there were 754,384 of the 1st dose, 676,566 of the 2nd dose, for a total of 1,430,950 doses.
From Table 3: By week, from December 13, 2020 to August 22, 2021 - there were 400 non-serious adverse events following the COVID-19 vaccine. There were 83 serious adverse events. According to the definitions supplied in this FOIPOP the following is a Serious Adverse Event Following Immunization:
Definition of a Serious Adverse Event: An adverse event following immunization that has resulted in AT LEAST one of the following: Hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization; Death or permanent disability/incapacity.
9. 2021-01645-HEA click here to download 2021-01645-HEA and click here to download 2021-01645-HEA Fee Estimate Letter in the amount of $660
Amended November 22, 2021: All records, e-mails, information held by Dr. Robert Strang on the topic of herd immunity and natural immunity. (Date Range for Record Search: From 9/30/2020 To 9/6/2021)
10. 2021-01663-HEA click here to download 2021-01663-HEA
According to this article: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/nova-scotia-covid-19-vaccine-passport-1.6168189 FROM THE ARTICLE: "Strang said proof of vaccination will help keep communities safe, ensure children and youth can safely attend school, and protect the health-care system and its providers." All records that support this statement - that this is true - that proof of vaccination will keep communities safe, ensure children and youth can safely attend school, and protect the health care system and its providers. That proof of vaccination to enter such things as restaurants, bars, concerts, movies and fitness facilities provides safety against COVID-19. ( (Date Range for Record Search: From 4/1/2021 To 9/7/2021)
11. 2021-01821-HEA click here to download "CAN NOT GRANT YOUR REQUEST and click here to download 2021-01821-HEA FEE ESTIMATE and click here to download 2021-01821-HEA Extention Notice
I would like copies of all records that are forwarded from Nova Scotia to the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System (CAEFISS) and Health Canada’s Canada Vigilance program that were used to create the following breakdown of information (see attached) Amended November 19, 2021: November 19th to a breakdown of the reported adverse events in aggregated format rather than full AEPI. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/19/2020 To 9/30/2021)
After an extension notice, then a fee estimate, then a fee payment...the Department said that they could not grant the request. The reason for this request was that myocarditis was not listed in the previous request on adverse events following immunization and I felt that the information was incomplete.
12. 2021-01822-HEA click here to download 2021-01822-HEA
1. Number of individuals in NS who died within 14 days* of a COVID-19 vaccine. *within 14 days of the 1st or 2nd dose whichever difference was lower. broken down into the following age groups: 12-19 years of age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90+ 2. Number of individuals in NS who died as a result of a COVID-19 vaccine. 12-19 years of age 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90+ (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/19/2020 To 10/3/2021)
13. 2021-02261-HEA click here to download 2021-02261-HEA
Modified December 13th The Contract between the Department of Health and Wellness and CANImmunize/Clinic Flow. (Date Range for Record Search: From 3/31/2020 To 12/5/2021)
NOTES: CANImmunize – the company's CEO received funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation who is the second highest donor to the World Health Organization. (WHO) CANImmunize is also funded/sponsored by big pharma companies. Their privacy policy noted on their website shows that if their information is shared with a third party they are not responsible. This company was contracted and responsible for doing our vaccine appointments and proof of vaccination. Most of the FOIPOP is redacted.
14. 2022-00104-HEA click here to download 2022-00104-HEA
1. Records showing the number of people that died in long term care, in a nursing home, or were transferred from long term care or a nursing home into hospital that were marked down as a COVID-19 death and they were also at the end of life as per the attached document - Northwood Presser Notes. 2. As per the attached, "Medical Director reviewing all deaths" and the MOH to determine "true cause of death." Any record, report, correspondence, investigation results that determines the "true cause of death" of those who died at Northwood and any other facility where they were instructed to mark the person down as a COVID 19 death even though they were at the end of life. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2019 To 01/19/2022)
15. 2022-00105-HEA click here to download 2022-00105-HEA
Any records that shows the details on whether long term care facilities, nursing homes, hospitals and/or doctors get paid money for 1.) COVID-19 testing 2.) money for taking care of a COVID-19 patient 3.) money for a COVID death 4.) money for administering a COVID treatment protocol 5.) money for putting patients on a ventilator 6.) money for administering vaccines. If this is not the proper department for this request, please forward it to the proper department. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2019 To 01/19/2022)
16. 2022-00106-HEA click here to download 2022-00106-HEA
Amended January 26, 2022: All monetary distributions/payments to all pharmacies in NS for administering COVID-19 vaccines. Not including any staff salaries.(December 20, 2020 to January 20, 2022) All monetary distributions/payments to all pharmacies in NS for administering COVID-19 PCR tests. Not including any staff salaries.(January 1, 2020 to January 20, 2022) (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/19/2020 To 1/19/2022)
17. 2022-00107-HEA click here to download 2022-00107-HEA
In this article:https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/nova-scotia-gospel-light-baptist-church-covid-outbreak-1.6250957 it states: “Three people have died in the past week of COVID-19 — one at a group home in Amherst and two at a long-term care home in Pugwash, N.S. — and the province has said those cases trace back to the Gospel Light event.” 1. I would like to request all records, reports, information, evidence, documentation, and proof - that supports this statement is true – that “three people died of COVID-19 and that “those cases (deaths) trace back to the Gospel Light event.” Please note – I do not want any identifying information. I am just seeking the body of evidence that support this statement by the province. 2. I would like to receive all reports and records that explain (a) the process taken to determine “community spread” (b) and the accuracy of “community spread”(c) the process taken to determine “contract tracing” (d) and the accuracy of contact tracing (in general and pertaining to this event). 3. Any record, briefing notes, e-mails, correspondence, report that was forwarded from Dr. Shelley Deeks, Nova Scotia's deputy chief medical officer and Dr. Robert Strang’s Public Health office to the Office of the Premier and vice versa concerning this event. The gathering took place from October 25 to 29 in Amherst. (Date Range for Record Search: From 10/24/2021 To 1/19/2022)
18. 2022-00108-HEA Refused access to records.
1. Any record, report, documentation, proof that an unvaccinated person has spread the COVID-19 virus to others in Nova Scotia. (in 2020 before the vaccine or in 2021) 2. The number of such incidents. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2019 To 1/19/2022)
19. 2022-00109-HEA click here to download 2022-00109-HEA
1. I would like to request all records, studies, data, evidence and proof that COVID-19 is a “disease of the unvaccinated." (What support does the department have when they/Dr. Robert Strang - makes this statement to prove that this statement is true?) 2. Please provide all records, studies, data, evidence and proof that the unvaccinated are straining the health care system in Nova Scotia due to having COVID-19 more so than the vaccinated. Of those who tested positive for COVID-19 in hospital, please provide a breakdown of those who were a) asymptomatic b) symptomatic. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/19/2020 To 01/19/2022)
20. 2022-00110-HEA click here to download 2022-00110-HEA
https://novascotia.ca/news/release/?id=20211029007 In this op-ed (link above) on October 29, 2021, by Dr. Robert Strang, Nova Scotia’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, and Dr. Shelley Deeks, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health They state: Receiving the COVID-19 vaccine is one of the single most important steps you can take to protect yourself and others from this virus. The science is clear: the benefits far outweigh any risk associated with COVID-19 vaccines. 1.) I would like to request all records, the evidence, the proof that what Dr. Robert Strang and Dr. Shelley Deeks is saying is true: "That the COVID-19 vaccine is one of the single most important steps you can take to protect yourself and others from this virus." (What proof do they have that the vaccine is protecting people and others?) 2. I would like to receive a copy of "the science" that they reference in this statement as being clear - that shows that "the benefits (of the vaccines) far outweigh any risk associated with COVID-19 vaccines. Please provide the risk-benefit analysis that they are referring too. (Date Range for Record Search: From 09/30/2021 To 10/31/2021)
This is their response:
"We are refusing access to the records for the following reason pursuant to subsection 4(2) of the Act: • The Act does not apply to the following kinds of information in the custody or control of a public body:published information, material available for purchase and material that is a matter of public record.
Nova Scotia’s Covid -19 response actions have been based on national and international guidance from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). As the leading agencies for pandemic response nationally and internationally, both PHAC and WHO are continuously reviewing the evolving scientific evidence regarding COVID-19 and the effectiveness of various measures. These reviews are used to form their guidance, position statements, and other documents all of which are in the public domain.
The Government of Canada’s resources, including COVID-19 guidance documents, are available at https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-diseasecovid- 19.html
The WHO’s resources, including COVID-19 technical guidance, are available at https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
The Department of Health and Wellness Public Health Branch continues to be in ongoing contact with PHAC and WHO as evidence has evolved throughout the pandemic. This includes as a participant in federal/provincial/territorial conversations, including committees and networks. This has enabled recommendations on public health measures to be informed by the most up to date evidence.Surely if Strang says that "the science is clear" - that he has a copy and has read the science - and would be willing to share it...but obviously not.They want me to go on a wild goose chase to find it.
21. 2022-00112-HEA click here to download 2022-00112-HEA
1. Total number of teachers who have tested Positive for COVID-19 broken down into symptomatic, asymptomatic, and how they determined they were positive: Rapid Test/PCR Test/Combination of Rapid & PCR 2. Total number of students who have tested Positive for COVID-19 Broken down into symptomatic, asymptomatic, and how they determined they were positive: Rapid Test/PCR Test/Combination of Rapid & PCR 3. Total number of school staff who have tested Positive for COVID-19 broken down into symptomatic, asymptomatic, and how they determined they were positive: Rapid Test/PCR Test/Combination of Rapid & PCR 4. Please provide the recovery rate as well as a) The total number of COVID-19 infections/cases that resulted in hospitalizations (general and ICU) that have been traced to someone attending a school 5. COVID-19 deaths that have been traced back to transmissions at or from a school. Range for records broken down into school years. Spring 2020 - start of the pandemic September 2020 - End of school year in June of 2021 September 2021 - to January 21, 2022 (Date Range for Record Search: From 01/31/2020 To 01/20/2022)
NOTES: After shutting down schools, triple masking children, not allowing children who were not vaccinated to play sports...we learn from this FOIPOP response that they do not have the information I asked for. "After a file search we have located no records responsive to your application.
22. RO-2022-00012-HEA
I would like copies of all records that are forwarded from Nova Scotia to the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System (CAEFISS) and Health Canada’s Canada Vigilance program that were used to create the following breakdown of information (see attached) Amended November 19, 2021: November 19th to a breakdown of the reported adverse events in aggregated format rather than full AEPI. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/19/2020 To 9/30/2021)23. 2022-00445-HEA click here to download 2022-00445-HEA
1. Number of COVID-19 tests by month and result (positive cases/negative/total) for year 2020, year 2021 and so far for 2022) 2. Number of COVID-19 Cases by month that were Asymptomatic and Symptomatic and total for each year 2020 and year 2021 3. Number of COVID-19 deaths per month in Nova Scotia for year 2020 and year 2021 and so far in 2022. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2019 To 3/11/2022)
This FOIPOP tells us the following government information that was not shared with the public to provide context:
In Table 1 we learn the following:
The total number of PCR "tests" performed by the Public Health labs is 238,474 in 2020.
Of those 238,474 test results, 236,820 were NEGATIVE. 1,493 tested positive. Out of the 1,493 positives, 65 died. (Table 3)
NOTE: 53 of the 65 were in one long term care facility called Northwood, the largest care facility in Nova Scotia.
In the "large NSHA FOIPOP" (link above) we learn that "someone" told management to mark down people that died as COVID even though they were "at the end of life."
Also in Table 1 we learn that in 2021 after they started injecting people with "the vaccine" the PCR "technology" (in my opinion it is not a 'test') was used 1,347,912 times on people in Nova Scotia. (This is more than the population of Nova Scotia.)
Of those 1,347,912 "tests" that were done, there were 1,327,823 PCR "tests" that were NEGATIVE meaning (in my opinion) that the majority of people in Nova Scotia who tested were negative...but we were not told this.
There were 18,953 who "tested positive." And from that, 49 people died "from COVID"(In Table 3) in 2021.
So in 2021, 49 people died "from COVID" out of 18,953 'cases' which is 0.25%...not even 1%.
And we learn in FOIPOP 2022-00547-HEA and FOIPOP 2021-01142-HEA and from Stats Can that the people who died had SERIOUS comorbidity issues. I would like to know how many people died who started out with a HEALTHY immune system. That might be another FOIPOP to do.
Please note too (to provide further context) that between 9,000 and 10,000 people die every year in Nova Scotia.
In 2022 after 80% plus of the population in Nova Scotia has been injected and people have been fired for not doing so (with something that doesn't work) the government data tells us that in January, February and March there have been a total of 201,567 tests done and 30,741 positives. 168,100 negatives.There are more positives now than in 2020 at the start of the pandemic because testing is still through the roof.
Also - to my knowledge the PCR test is NO LONGER USED in the States as of December 31, 2021. Florida dropped the test early in this so called pandemic due to the high Cycle Thresholds being used.
In Table 2 in 2020, of the 1,514 positive COVID-19 cases...718 had symptoms and 439 were asymptomatic or had no symptoms (because in my opinion they didn't have COVID. Actually in my opinion no one had COVID.) Three hundred and fifty-seven (357) people, it was unknown whether they had symptoms or not.
In 2021, of the 9,425 cases, 712 had symptoms and 2,138 did not...and 6,575 were unknown or not entered as to whether or not they had symptoms.
In Table 3 we learn that in 2020, 65 people died of COVID, in 2021 49 people died of COVID and in three months in 2022 (Jan-Mar...which March is incomplete) there were 118 people whom the government said died of COVID. (Were any autopsies done I wonder to confirm any of this?) So basically after being masked, shut down, injected...more people "died of COVID in 2022" in three months than in 2020 and 2021 combined.
In another person's FOIPOP we learn that the PCR technology was set between 38-42 Cycle Threshold at labs throughout Nova Scotia.
24. 2022-00547-HEA click here to download 2022-00547-HEA
I would like to request an update on FOIPOP 2021-01142-HEA (to learn all the comorbidity data that the people had who died 'with' or 'from' COVID-19) with 1.) a breakdown in ages as follows: 0-12, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69,70-79, 80-89, 90+ 2.) and a breakdown on how many of the total were fully vaccinated. 3. How many died of the total in Long Term Care or a nursing home. Please include an updated Table 1 with the age ranges noted above as well as Table 2 and Table 3. with a break down with how many were fully vaccinated. Thank you! (Date Range for Record Search: From 02/29/2020 To 03/31/2022)
Read carefully the definition of a "Confirmed Case," "Unvaccinated," and "Deceased Case." Very enlightening.
So Table 1 and 2 have to be redone to provide more accurate numbers. We need a breakdown of those who did not receive ANY SHOTS. Zero. They lump them together.
We can also see from Table 3 that of the 195 who died from "COVID" in Nova Scotia from February 29, 2020 to March 31, 2022, there were 67 with cardiac disorders, 54 with neurological conditions, 27 with diabetes, 22 with pulmonary disorders, 12 with chronic renal disease, 7 with cancer, 6 with immunocompromised conditions. (so what did these people REALLY die from? COVID or their conditions?
25. 2022-00074-HEA click here to download 2022-00626-HEA
Amended February 14, 2022: I would like to request an update to FOIPOP 2021- 01590-HEA with the following additions. According to the FOIPOP vaccine status is defined as follows: Unvaccinated: <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccine After having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccine Therefore, I would like to request the following records: A breakdown of the following by week: 1.COVID-19 Cases broken down by weeka)unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccineb)unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccinec)partially vaccinatedd)fully vaccinated(Date range August 22, 2021- January 16, 2022)A breakdown of the following by week: 2.Vaccination Status of COVID-19 Deathsa)unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccineb)unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccinec)partially vaccinatedd)fully vaccinated(Date range August 22, 2021- January 16, 2022)3.All COVID-19 hospital visits, hospitalizations and ICU Hospitalizations broken downby week:a)unvaccinated - after having received 0 doses of any COVID-19 vaccineb)unvaccinated - <14 days post first dose of any COVID-19 vaccinec)partially vaccinatedd)fully vaccinated(Date range: August 23, 2021- January 16, 2022) March 15, 2022 Intended for Applicant Use 5.A continuation of Table 2, 3 and 4:a). Number of COVID-19 doses administered, by dose number and week(Date range: August 29, 2021 – January 16, 2022)b). Number of Adverse Events Following COVID-19 Immunization (Non-Serious, Serious and Total), by week (Date range: August 29, 2021- January 16, 2022) c). Number of Adverse Events Following COVID-19 Immunization, by reaction type and week (Date range: August 29, 2021- January 16, 2022) 6.Cumulative Data on the number of people who have experienced Serious AdverseEvents who havea)diedb)have a permanent disabilityc)incapacityd)required hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization(Total cumulative value as of January 16, 2022) Responsive records have been located and are attached. For part 3 of your request DHW does not hold information about the vaccination status of COVID-19 hospital. You may choose to follow up with Nova Scotia Health for this information.
What this FOIPOP tells us:
This is where I start to question what is happening to people who have received the booster. There are cases and hospitalizations increases with those who have two or more shots in December 2021. Don't take my word for it. Please look for yourself.
26. 2022-00626-HEA click here to download 2022-00626-HEA
Table 4 is concerning. It's COVID 19 deaths by immunization status. From September 2021 to December 2021, there were 27 deaths from "COVID." Seven did not have any shots, and 20 had one or more doses. Then we see something strange happen in the next four months. Sixty-five had no shots who died and 132 had one or more doses. So out of the 197 who died of COVID during this time frame, 32% had no shots of vaccine and 67% had shots. In Table 6 we learn that 87 people have had a serious adverse reaction to the vaccine. A serious adverse event means that they are disabled, incapcitate or have died. That's pretty serious for a 'safe and effective' vaccine that injures people and doesn't work. Table 8 tells us that 11 people have died in Nova Scotia as a direct result of taking the vaccine.87 people have not recovered from a serious reaction to the vaccine and 7 are permanently disable and incapacitated. 27. RO-2022-00110-HEA
REQUESTED A REVIEW OF FOIPOP RESPONSE - Estimate Delivery Date 12/22/2023 12:00:00 AM) Amended September 8, 2021: Records that show, 1. Definition of a COVID-19 case that is used in Nova Scotia. 2. Please provide any and all reports from the start of the pandemic on how COVID-19 death were determined. 3. Report on COVID-19 deaths that were probable or from clinically compatible illness 4. Information/data that has been gathered as a result of COVID-19 testing: a. Total number of COVID-19 tests done monthly for 2020 and so far in 2021, Please provide: Number that were positive: For the positive cases, please include how many were: Confirmed,Probable,Symptomatic,Asymptomatic Number that were negative: Total number of COVID-19 deaths: Determined by PCR test,Determined by a public health authority, a coroner using their discretion, autopsy How many of the deaths were tested and symptomatic, asymptomatic, confirmed. Any record that identifies data that shows that the only illness they had was COVID-19 and it was the true cause of death (they did not die because they were at the end of life and they did not have any other serious illness – for example, they were young, healthy, and died of COVID-19 only) (Date Range for Record Search: From 3/22/2020 To 8/19/2021) Estimate Delivery Date 12/22/2023 12:00:00 AM 28. RO-2021-00093-HEA
(REQUESTED A REVIEW OF FOIPOP RESPONSE - Estimate Delivery Date 9/19/2023 12:00:00 AM All scientific data, correspondence, studies, final briefing notes, risk-benefit analysis that justify and or support the government's actions and decision-making that masking children in schools is necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19 that are held by Dr. Strang Chief Medical Officer of Health. (Date Range for Record Search: From 02/21/2020 to 06/21/2021) 28. b 2022-01337-HEA September 23, 2022
click here to download FOI LETTER.
click here to download response.
In the Nova Scotia Monthly COVID-19 Epidemiologic Summary dated August 9, 2022 it states that: "Age and lack of vaccination continue to be associated with severe outcomes. Unvaccinated Nova Scotians were hospitalized at nearly four times the rate and died more than three times the rate as those with three or more doses."
I would like to receive all records that show the step by step mathmatical calculation with supportive documentation and explanations - the calculation that was used to determine, support and justify this statement, that: "Unvaccinated Nova Scotians were hospitalized at nearly four times the rate and died more than three times the rate as those with three or more doses." In essense, the "record that shows how was this determined by the Public Health Branch of the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness." The link is here to the Epidemiological Summary:
click here to download 2021-01565-PRE
Amended August 24, 2021: Correspondence submitted from the general public (including doctors) to Premier Iain Rankin and previous Premier Stephen McNeil limited to scientific data and studies related to COVID restrictions. Date range: July 15, 2020 – August 16, 2021. 30. 2021-01584-PRE
click here to download 2021-01584-PRE
All information, reports, updates, correspondence, briefing and meeting notes that include the phrase "Scotia Pass" - "Vaccine Passport" - "Proof of Vaccination." (Date Range for Record Search: From 03/31/2020 To 08/30/2021) PREMIERS OFFICE FAILED TO RESPOND. APPEALED IT. AWARDED APPEAL. PREMIER'S OFFICE PROVIDED FOIPOP RESPONSE THAT WAS INCOMPLETE AND CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE PUBLIC ONLY. NOTES: Even though they did not give me what I asked for (I wanted the INTERNAL reports and they gave me correspondence from people) - Christine Massey’s info is in there! The Premier's office received this and they ignored it. She did dozens of FOIPOPs around the world that proves that the virus does not exist! The Premier’s office received some VERY GOOD INFORMATION from members of the public. Five stand out to me. 1. P 10 is from someone in Meaford Ontario. They quote Geert Vanden Bossche and the Childrens Health Defense Org. 2. P32 Letter states that they had discussions with Dr. Carr, Dr. Davidson and Dr. Kevin Orrell. Well written letter about monoclonal antibodies that were not used. Written from someone in East Bay NS. 3. P 37 As mentioned above - I recognize as Christine Massey’s work who has a website - a worldwide collection of FOI responses from 141 institutions (41 of them Canadian) showing that "the virus" was never isolated/purified, and thus "it" has never been characterized, sequenced, or studied with controlled experiments. 4. P70 the mention about Israel’s 4th shot. 5. P 76 letter was to the Premier of Quebec but copied all premiers and provides lots of scientific links that the ignored. · Can "Nova Scotia's TOP DOCTOR" not think for himself and analyze local data to make his own conclusions? (Wouldn't that be part of his job description?) · He is the top paid bureaucrat in this province with a salary of over $300,000 and he can’t look at who is dying from COVID (that doesn't exist) and reassure people that the hospitals are in fact NOT being over-run by COVID. (ICUs and hospitalizations from COVID were less than 1%.) 31. 2021-01858-PRE
click here to download 2021-01858-PRE
Any and all records on COVID-19 vaccine exemptions issued and provided by the province. This would include letters/memos/e-mails/correspondence etc that have been issued - including any that may have been issued to MLAs and other levels of government - stating that the vaccine is not mandatory. This would include Premier Tim Houston and previous premiers who would have issued such a letter to MLAs and other groups, organizations etc. in the province. (This is circulating around on social media - that MLAs - and municipal staff - can have an exemption - looking for information as to whether this is true or not) (Date Range for Record Search: From 11/30/2020 To 10/06/2021) 32. RO-2021-00142-PRE Deemed refusal re. 2021-01584-PRE - Vaccine passport - Premier's office failed to provide response. 33. RO-2021-00143-PRE Deemed refusal complaint re. 2021-01858-PRE - Requested reports on Vaccine exemptions - Premier's office failed to provide response. 34. RO-2022-00014-PRE Deemed refusal re. 2021-01565-PRE - Scientific data submitted from the public to the premier's office. NEW 2022-01410-PRE/PRE-22-49 In early January 2022, a US Federal Judge, Mark Pittman ordered Pfizer to release 55,000 pages per month on the vaccine safety data in a response to a FOI filed on behalf of Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency. The list of Adverse Events of Special Interest totals over eight pages in length that includes neonatal death and sudden unexplained death. I would like to request all records and correspondence that the Premier's office has on the topic of Pfizer's safety data that has been released since January 10, 2022. Attached is an example of Pfizer's Safety Data.
NOTES: "After a file search, we have located no records responsive to your application."
35. 2022-00084-EDU click here to download 2022-00084-EDU
All records and data showing financial payouts/monetary contributions, from any department to the Nova Scotia Teachers Union and reasons for the money. (Are they funded by the government in any way?) Please include if there has been any money given to them specifically for COVID-19, the amount and description. If the NSTU has to provide financial statements to a department, I would like to request a copy of those as well for 2019, 2020, and 2021. I am guessing that the Education Department would be the department that I would apply to for this information but if I am wrong, would you please forward this request to the proper department. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2019 To 1/18/2022)
36. 2022-00085-EDU click here to download 2022-00085-EDU click here to download Excel Spreadsheet Recap
All records that show monies that have been given to school boards for all aspects of the pandemic. That would include but is not limited to masks, on-line learning, any monies received to lecture students about vaccines, COVID, testing, etc. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2019 To 1/18/2022)
The total was $24,612,000 in grants. No receipts or invoices were required. The Finance Director for Cape Breton and Victoria Regional Centre for Education, Nancy Dove states, "I wasn't expecting this and we didn't send anything to EECD to support this amount. I am concerned another region may have requested due to cash flow, so I felt I should reach out to you."
37. 2022-00086-EDU Click here to view.
All correspondence the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development has between Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and Department of Health and Wellness and correspondence between the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development and the Regional Centres for Education pertaining to masking children with three ply masks. Date range: November 1 2021 - January 19, 2022 2. Please include the monies spent by Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to purchase the three ply masks. Include the name of the company they were purchased from and if there was a contract to do so, a copy of the contract. Date range: 07/31/2020 To 01/18/2022 (Date Range for Record Search: From 7/31/2020 To 1/18/2022)
38. 2022-00455-SNSIS click here to download 2022-00455-SNSIS
Records providing total number of deaths per month in Nova Scotia for 2019, 2020, 2021 and so far in 2022. Records that show a breakdown with totals of cause of deaths for 2019, 2020 and 2021. (For example a breakdown of how many died of cancer, heart disease, suicide, drug overdose, kidney failure etc. for the above years) (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2019 To 3/11/2022)
In 2019, there were 9,772 people who died in Nova Scotia from all causes.
In 2020, there were 9,964 people who died in Nova Scotia from all causes and we know that government said that 65 of them were "COVID."
In 2021 there were 10,072 people who died in Nova Scotia from all causes and we know that government said that 49 of them were "COVID."
So in 2020 and 2021 there were 20,036 people in Nova Scotia who died from all causes and 114 of them, the government said died of COVID. That's 0.56% of the deaths in two years was COVID.
Of the 114 "COVID deaths" at least 53 were at Northwood and at the end of life.
The FOIPOP response for categorizing the cause of death is incomplete for 2021 but let's look at 2019 and compare it to 2020.
Under section "IX. Diseases of the circulatory system TOTAL" we learn that in 2019, 14 males and 28 females died of Influenza totaling 42.
We also learn that the total for all causes of pneumonia was 154.
To help with perspective again, in section II in 2020, we can see that 1,553 males and 1,334 females died of Neoplasms - a total of 2887.
(What is a Neoplasm? An abnormal mass of tissue that forms when cells grow and divide more than they should or do not die when they should. Neoplasms may be benign (not cancer) or malignant (cancer).
In 2020 under the same heading, we learn that 5 males and 6 females died on influenza totaling 11 and the total of all types of pneumonia is 102.
Our new novel COVID-19 disease is 27 deaths in males and 39 deaths in females which totals 66.
I wrote the department to ask when the information off of the death certificates would be put into the system for 2021. This is the reply: "I spoke with our Research and Stats officer, and essentially we are behind in coding the death information that is sent to Stats Canada. We have competing priorities, specifically implementing a new vital event registry, which has prevented us from focusing on our core responsibilities. In time, we will be able to get up to date with coding and sending death information off to Stats Can and the data will be more accurate.
Thanks, Melissa Mosher Manager, Vital Statistics Service Nova Scotia and Internal Services 902-233-7095
39. 2021-02260-SLTC click here to download 2021-02260-SLTC Fee Estimate Letter in the amount of $1626
1.) All records submitted from the 133 long term care homes and facilities from throughout the province to Barbara Adams, the Minister of the Department and/or any other person appointed to receive such records on the topic of (a) vaccination rates, (b) the pandemic, (c) staffing and (d) facility concerns. 2. Report and or records on the "contingency plans for long term care homes" as mentioned in the media. (Date Range for Record Search: From 09/30/2021 To 12/05/2021)
40. 2022-00173-FTB click here to download 2022-00173-FTB
https://pm.gc.ca/en/mandate-letters/2021/12/16/minister-health-mandate-letter In this mandate letter from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to the Federal Health Minister Duclos (link above) it states, "I ask that you achieve results for Canadians by delivering the following commitments: Launching a COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination Fund to support provinces and territories who implement a requirement for proof of vaccine credentials in their jurisdiction for non-essential businesses and public spaces." I would like to receive all records, briefing notes, e-mails, correspondence, fund details, a copy of the application etc., involving any monies received from this fund from the federal government to any department in the province of Nova Scotia. I'm not sure if I have applied to the correct department. If not, would you please forward the request on my behalf. Thank you. (Date Range for Record Search: From 07/31/2020 To 01/30/2022)
41. 2022-00037-MAH NO RECORD AFTER FILE SEARCH click here to download 2022-00037-MAH
I would like to receive all “records of meetings that were held to discuss the ongoing state of emergency and associated documents”. (Date Range for Record Search: From 07/31/2021 To 01/06/2022)
42. COPY OF FOIPOP 82 DATA click here to download NSHA-2021-109 Total number of al ICU admissions from all causes, total numbers of ICU beds available, and beds used for 2015-May 2021 by month.
43. COPY OF FOIPOP 82 DATA UPDATED click here to download NSHA-2021-082 Updated
1. Please provide the total numbers of all ICU admissions (from all causes) for all of Nova Scotia’s Hospitals for the last 5 years (2015-2020 yearly ICU admissions) from January 1, 2015 to September 2021. 2. Please provide the total numbers of ICU beds available in each of Nova Scotia’s Hospitals from January 1, 2015 to September 2021. 3. Please provide a breakdown of ICU beds used from January 1, 2015 to September 2021.
44. NSHA-2021-109 click here to download NSHA-2021-109
How many ICU hospitalizations were there each month for COVID-19 in 2020 and for each month in 2021 up to and including July? (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2019 To 07/31/2021).
They withheld personal health information on under section 20(3)(a) of the FOIPOP Act by changing all numbers less than 5 to “<5” in the attached spreadsheet to protect the individual’s privacy.
NOTES: In 2020 there were 7306 ICU admissions in Nova Scotia. In 2021 up to July 31, 2021 there were 4321 ICU admissions in Nova Scotia. That's a total of 11,627 ICU admissions. During that same time there were 110 COVID-19 admissions. 110 out of the total 11627 is 0.95%. Less than 1%. 99.05% were for other illnesses or conditions. Aberdeen had 857 ICU admissions and none of those were COVID. Cumberland had 443 ICU admissions and none of them were COVID-19. South Shore Regional had 512 ICU admissions and ZERO were COVID-19. St. Martha's had 692 ICU admissions and ZERO COVID. Yarmouth Regional had 575 ICU admissions and ZERO COVID. Cape Breton Health Care Complex had 10 out of 1494 or 0.67%. Colchester Regional had 9 out of 1103 ICU admissions or 0.82%. Dartmouth General had 5 out of 754 or 0.66% COVID-19 ICU admissions. QEII had 74 out of 4608 or 1.60% that were COVID-19 ICU admissions. Valley Regional had 12 COVID out of 589 ICU admissions or 2.03%
click here to download45. 2021-144 Hospital Totals click here to download acknowledgement letter click here to download 2021-144 Hospital Totals
Please provide monthly ICU hospitalizations for each hospital for May, June, July, August & September 2021 from all causes as a continuation of FOIPOP 2021 -082. If possible, it would be helpful if the numbers are added to the excel spreadsheet that was released with 2021-82. As well, please provide COVID ICU hospitalizations for each hospital for August and September 2021 as a continuation of FOIPOP 2021-109. It would be helpful if this data could be added to 2021-109 with a start and end date added.January 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021. (EXTENDED ABOVE FOIPOP To END OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2021) We have withheld personal health information under section 20(3)(a) of the FOIPOP Act by writing “total increased by <5” in the attached spreadsheet to protect the individual’s privacy when the hospital totals increased by fewer than five between July 31, 2021 and September 30, 2021. Section 20(3)(a) of the FOIPOP Act states that a disclosure of personal information is presumed to be an unreasonable invasion of a third party’s personal privacy if the personal information relates to a medical or other health-care history, diagnosis, condition, treatment, or evaluation.
46. NSHA 2021-173 click here to download
On November 17, 2021Nova Scotia Health (NSH) received your request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP Act).
We understand your application to be for a copy of the following:
% of COVID hospitalizations of all hospitalizations
% COVID ICU hospitalizations of ICU hospitalizations
# COVID ICU hospitalizations
Please find a copy of the records located in response to your request.We have withheld personal health information under section 20(3)(a) of the FOIPOP Act. We cannot disclose the percentage of COVID ICU hospitalizations of ICU hospitalizations when fewer than five patients were in the ICU because it is about identifiable individuals. The combination of this information with the information we will release to you in FOIPOP 2021-181, the total ICU hospitalizations, would allow these individuals to be identified. We cannot disclose the percentage of COVID hospitalizations when fewer than five patients were in the hospital because it is about identifiable individuals. The combination of this information with the information we will release to you in FOIPOP 2021-181, the total hospitalizations, would allow these individuals to be identified.
47. 2021-177 full transfer notice click here to download transfer letter
Re: Full Transfer – OUR FILE# NSHA-2021-177
On November 22, 2021 Nova Scotia Health (NSH) received your request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP Act). We understand your application to be for a copy of the following:
Data on pregnancy outcomes by month from 2016 to the date of this application to include
1. number of births
2. spontaneous abortion/still born
3. fetal growth restriction.
4. Other health issues.
There are reports circulating that hospitals are seeing an increase in stillborns in 2021. I would like to know the data for Nova Scotia. If there are any reports or information for the reasons why - I would like that as well.
We are transferring the requests to IWK Health Centre under section 10(1)(a) of the FOIPOP Act.
48. 2021-179 clarification needed click here to download
Re: Clarification Sought – OUR FILE# NSHA-2021-179 On November 22, 2021, Nova Scotia Health (NSH) received your request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP Act).
We understand your application to be for a copy of the following: All the minutes of the following groups: 1.) COVID-19 Network Meetings/Nova Scotia Health COVID Network 2.) the Nova Scotia COVID-19 Therapeutics and Prophylactics Advisory Group 3.) Nova Scotia's vaccine expert panel 4.) Any other advisory group/meetings that have to do with the pandemic. On December 29, 2021, Nova Scotia Health (NSH) asked you to clarify the following: Which tests and surgeries are you concerned about being cancelled? When did the cancellations occur? Are you referring to medication treatments that are not being allowed by certain committees? Please clarify the following by March 2, 2022, otherwise we will close your file.
Did not clarify by March 2, 2022
49. 2021-179 partial transfer notice click here to download
All the minutes of the following groups:
1.) COVID-19 Network Meetings/Nova Scotia Health COVID Network
2.) the Nova Scotia COVID-19 Therapeutics and Prophylactics Advisory Group
3.) Nova Scotia's vaccine expert panel
4.) Any other advisory group/meetings that have to do with the pandemic.
We are transferring the below requests to DHW under section 10(1)(a) of the FOIPOP Act:
• Nova Scotia's vaccine expert panel
• Nova Scotia C-19 Task Forces
50. 2021-180 fee estimate click here to download
2021-180 partial transfer notice click here to download click here to download
51. NSHA 2021-181 general and ICU hospitalizations 2020-2021 click here to download 2021-181 general and ICU 2020-2021 1. All reports/data on reasons why people were admitted into hospital for 2019, 2020, and 2021 by month, by hospital and reason for admission. a.) general hospitalizations/admissions and b.) ICU admissions (If there is a document that already has this information and additional information I would like a copy of this please. 2. A breakdown on the reasons why people who were admitted into the hospital, broken down by vaccination status (fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, or unvaccinated). a.) emergency visits b.) hospitalizations and c.) ICU admissions d.) 911 ambulance/First Responder calls from December 14, 2020 to present. Part 2 is a request for both general hospitalizations and hospitalizations broken down by vaccination status. We are transferring the portion of part 2 for hospitalizations broken down by vaccination status for items a, b, and c to DHW under section 10(1)(a) of the FOIPOP Act: 2. A breakdown on the reasons why people who were admitted into the hospital, broken down by vaccination status (fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, or unvaccinated). a.) emergency visits b.) hospitalizations and c.) ICU admissions
52. NSHA 2021-181 diagnoses click here to download
53. NSHA 2021-181 ED VISITS click here to download
54. NSHA 2021-181 hospital and ICU breakdown 2019-2021 click here to download
On November 22, 2021 Nova Scotia Health (NSH) received your request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP Act).
1. All reports/data on reasons why people were admitted into hospital for 2019, 2020, and 2021 by month, by hospital. a.) general hospitalizations/admissions and b.) ICU admissions (If there is a document that already has this information and additional information I would like a copy of this please.
2. A breakdown on the number of visits to hospital/reasons associated with receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. a.) emergency visits b.) hospitalizations and c.) ICU admissions d.) 911 ambulance/First Responder calls from December 14, 2020 to present.
Please find a copy of the records located in response to your request. We have withheld personal information about healthunder section 20(3)(a) of the FOIPOP Act by redacting all numbers that are fewer than five for the reasons for hospitalization, visits, and admissions for items one and two. Section 20(3)(a) of the FOIPOP Act states:A disclosure of personal information is presumed to be anunreasonable invasion of a third party’s personal privacy ifthe personal information relates to a medical, dental,psychiatric, psychological or other health-care history, diagnosis,condition, treatment or evaluation. We have provided combined totals by month for some rural facilities in Northern Zone, Eastern Zone, and Central Zone for item one to protect individual’s privacy under section 20(3)(a) of the FOIPOP Act. The remaining facilities have individual totals by month. Please note that the data for item two is only the general information for emergency visits, hospitalizations, and admissions. DHW will provide the specific vaccine-related data. Section 4(2)(d) of the FOIPOP Act states that public bodies can’t provide access to a record when it falls under section 7 of the Emergency 911 Act. 911 ambulance and first responder calls fall within that section so I cannot provide you with that data for item 2(d).
55. 2021-181 partial transfer notice click here to download
56. NSHA 2021-182 combined files_Redacted click here to download
2021-182 volume click here to download On November 22, 2021 Nova Scotia Health (NSH) received your request under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP Act). We understand your application to be for a copy of the following: 1. Data/reports on number of visits to doctors due to and resulting in 1.) heart and 2.) blood clot issues for a.) the years 2018, 2019, 2020, and so far in 2021. and b.) Please include the following age categories: under one year to 4 5-11, 12-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90+. 3.) Reports, data, correspondence, e-mails on these topics, (heart and blood clot issues) in relation to the COVID-19 vaccine A large number of records must be searched to fulfill your request make it to meet the initial response time without inference to the NSH’s everyday operations. Section 9(1)(b) of the FOIPOP Act allows for a 30 day extension to process your request. You may expect a response from us by or before January 25, 2021.
NSHA 2021-183 click here to download
What percentage of NSHA funding comes from government, the pharmaceutical industry, and other personal donations etc.
57. NSHA 2021-185 click here to download
Any record, proof, document, report that an asymptomatic positive COVID-19 case is contagious and spread to others in Nova Scotia.
58. NSHA 2022-004 click here to download
Data on the number of hospital beds available by hospital for 2019, 2020, 2021. If there is a change throughout the year (increase or decrease) please note that as well.
NOTES: We learn perspective and context from this FOIPOP. When one of the premiers, Dr. Strang or the media would state that there are 20 or 200 in hospital with COVID, it is good to know that our "Total Hospital Inpatient Bed and Bassinet counts by Zone and Site" to put that number in perspective.
In 2019 the total capacity is 3,379 with 3,210 staffed and 3,118 in operation.
In 2020 the total capacity is 3,411 with 3,198 staffed and 3,103 in operation.
In 2021 there is a total capacity of 3,449 and 3,239 staffed and 3,144 in operation.
So based on this government information there are more staffed than in operation each year.
Let's do some basic math. Let's say that 66 people were hospitalized with "COVID in 2021. That sounds scary. But when we know according to FOIPOP NSHA 2022-005 that between 146 and 164 people were not admitted because of COVID but for other reasons and tested positive, and we know that there are 3,144 staffed beds in Nova Scotia and only 66 were "for COVID" (which now we know may have been for OTHER REASONS)...we learn that 66 out of 3,144 staffed beds...that's 2%.
Did anyone tell you this? Nope.
59. NSHA 2022-005 click here to download
Data, reports, records and breakdown on number of Incidental Hospitalizations Re COVID. By month since January 1, 2020: data on people who have been included in NS daily count of people in hospital and ICU with COVID-19 but were not hospitalized due to the virus or for the virus. Numbers for those who have gone to the hospital for something else and tested positive for COVID upon arrival or while in hospital but are not suffering from it (asymptomatic). Up to December 31, 2021
NOTES: Up to December 31, 2021 (two years) there were between 146 and 164 number of patients (the NSHA does this >5 crap which makes it difficult to determine the actual number) who tested positive for COVID-19 on or prior to admission to hospital for other ailments or illnesses. All of these would have been announced as COVID hospitalizations in the news, by the premier or Dr. Robert Strang. By not providing this context, once again I feel that they were misleading the public in my opinion.People were not so sick from COVID that they had to be hospitalized...but tested positive and may have been asymptomatic and not sick at all from COVID.
60. NSHA 2022-007 click here to download
Any and all records, proof, documents, reports, evidence that a Symptomatic positive COVID-19 case is contagious and spread to others in Nova Scotia.
Re: Access Denied – OUR FILE# NSHA-2022-007 THEY STATE: "There is ample public knowledge available showing that someone who is symptomatic and tests positive for COVID-19 can spread the disease. This evidence comes from both scientific studies and from people discussing their personal experiences with COVID-19.
I replied:
Christine Massey has a website - a worldwide collection of FOI responses from 141 institutions (41 of them Canadian) showing that "the virus" was never isolated/purified, and thus "it" has never been characterized, sequenced, or studied with controlled experiments. And thus the alleged RNA strand of 30,000 base pairs with a spiky protein shell that spreads "covid" via natural modes of exposure has never been shown to exist. The FOIs are here: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/
You can find 2 previous versions of declaration/affidavit here, along with compilation pdfs of the FOI responses grouped by country:
https://tinyurl.com/IsolationFOIsThus, the question of proof of COVID spreading to others is a legitimate question. What proof does the NSHA or the DHW have that this spreads?
Also, there is the Germ THEORY verus the TERRAIN THEORY. Both came out at about the same time. Both are THEORIES!!! J Dr. Sam Bailey talks about it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFS57OJ9VyM if you are interested.
I personally believe the terrain theory...that we don’t catch this so called virus that has never been isolated. It is basically a healing reaction in our own body from too many toxins in our air, water, food, environment...and when we are old or very unwell with several comorbidities, the body has a difficult time getting rid of the mucus and we die. In my opinion people who die in long term care at the same time are going through such a crisis at the same time. That it is not spread from room to room. Thus, I was asking what they really died from as per the Northwood Presser Note FOIPOP because it is stated that they were at the end of life and were instructed to mark them down as COVID. I am very surprised that there is no FOIPOP response to that one.
The PRC technology (it is not a test) is being run at too high re Cycle Thresholds and will pick up anything – and is useless – doesn’t show that you are contagious as per the words of the inventor. Thus in this case it creates false positives. In the USA they no longer use the test. It stopped December 31, 2021. In my opinion they are all false positives. It is not to be used to diagnose disease. The inventor Kary Mullis, spoke out against Fauci about this and was found dead in 2019.So even though I sensed that the NSHA found the question bazaar...I was interested in the response! What proof or record is there that it is being transmitted from one person to another? I don’t think they could make it spread from one person to another. When families get sick in the same household, they are usually eating the same stuff, get run down etc. It was interesting – I worked in a Youth Health Centre in a high school and all the sick children were sent to my room. I never got sick. My hubby gets sick – I never get sick.
When I look at who died of this...they were very sick – most at the end of life. Yes – there are lots of cases – but I don’t believe the test – and if I did, there is over a 99% recovery in Nova Scotia based on the figures that I have. I know that your position is to only facilitate the process of doing FOIPOPs...but just wanted to clarify the reasoning behind the question.
Kind regards,
61. NSHA 2022-014
As per the attached, "Medical Director reviewing all deaths"and the MOH to determine "true cause of death"; Any record, report, correspondence, investigation results that determines the true cause of death of those who died at Northwood and any other facility where they were instructed to mark the person down as a COVID 19 death even though they were at the end of life. (Date Range for Record Search: From 12/31/2019 To 01/19/2022).
RESPONSE: We have conducted a thorough search of our records, but we were not able to find any records responsive to your request. We are now closing your file.
62. NSHA 2022-043 click here to download
Purchase orders for the products we need to perform a COVID PCR test.
63. NSHA 2022-044 click here to download
Contracts for our lab to perform COVID testing on a fee for service basis.
64. NSHA 2022-047 click here to download
I would like an extension of FOIPOP NSHA-2021-173 to include November, December, January and part of February 2022 if available. I would like totals at the bottom for each hospital for COVID hospitalizations and ICU hospitalizations. If possible I would like to have a breakdown of those who went into hospital/ICU during this time due to COVID only/specifically and their vaccine status, and those who went into hospital for other reasons but tested positive for COVID prior to entry or after going into hospital for this time period and their vaccine status.
Both the items that you suggest below will take 15 hours each, which would cost $390 each.
65. NSHA 2022-182 click here to download click here to download click here to download click here to download click here to download click here to download click here to download
1. Data/reports on number of visits to doctors due to and resulting in 1.) heart and 2.) blood clot issues for a.) the years 2018, 2019, 2020, and so far in 2021. and b.) Please include the following age categories: under one year to 4 5-11, 12-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, 90+. 3.) Reports, data, correspondence, e-mails on these topics, (heart and blood clot issues) in relation to the COVID-19 vaccine.
66. NSHA 2022-083
CLICK HERE FOR SURVEY(I haven't gotten the link to work yet!)
Nova Scotia Information and Data
Paul Westhaver
Other Provinces in Canada
Christine Massey
The Health Protection Act
The Nova Scotia Human Rights Act
The Nova Scotia Emergency Measures Act
The Quarantine Act
The Medical Act
Canadian Medical Association Code of Ethics
The Canadian Bill of Rights
Pfizer COVID-19 Product monograph (Name is COMIRNATY after full approval September 16, 2021) Authorized for ages 5-11 on November 19, 2021.
Moderna Product Monograph COVID-19 Vaccine mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (Name is SPIKEVAX™ after full approval September 16, 2021)
Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) COVID-19 Product Monograph SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine [Ad26.COV2.S, recombinant]
AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Product Monograph (Name is VAXZEVRIA™ after September 15, 2021)
COVISHIELD (a version of the AstraZeneca vaccine manufactured by the Serum Institute of India and sponsored in Canada by Verity Pharmaceuticals Inc.)
Copy of the Nova Scotia Consent Form - which is not a consent form.